Grant support for researchers affected by bushfires

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue2 13–17 January 2020

Dear Physics Researchers,

We hope this message finds you and yours safe in this difficult start to the new year.

If you are impacted by the current bushfires personally or professionally, the College Research Office can advise you on options available with regard to extensions to application deadlines and post-award reporting obligations. For example, some funders, such as the ARC and NHMRC, do allow for late grant applications and reports to be submitted in exceptional circumstances (including natural disasters) where researchers have been directly affected. Such extension requests must be submitted in advance of the deadline through the College Research Office. Funders will consider such requests on a case by case basis. If approved, funders like the ARC can normally accommodate an extension of up to two weeks for grant applications, and more for post-award obligations.

You can download a list here of the deadlines for upcoming ARC, MRFF, and NHMRC schemes.

Please contact us at if you have any questions or require any assistance.