Science in the Pub

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue41 14–18 October 2019

Maths & Computer Science in the Pub, October 15.

We're still working on a name for the night... ( "Abstraction in the Pub?" , "Algorithms in the Pub"? ), but it's sure to be a night of mind boggling surprises - free thanks to the ANU Mathematical Science Institute.

Our researchers will share some of Maths’ many amazing powers – how to get ahead in cards, how to understand your Facebook friends and how you can work out the day of the week using the doomsday theorem (which you always wondered about, admit it.)

Expect mind-blowing concepts, magic tricks and maybe even opera at this unique night of science fun!

When: 6.30 pm Tuesday 15th October, 2019

Where: Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga St Civic.

How Much: Free! Thanks to ANU Mathematical Science Institute, but please register here if you are coming:

More Info:

Your host Dr Phil Dooley (PhIl Up On Science) will steer you through eight amazing presentations and make sure your brain doesn’t explode!

All welcome – Including under-18s if accompanied by a responsible adult.




November is Ecology in the Pub, so join us to share your latest research, environmental story or favourite ecosystem ( and there’s presenter training too!)

The call for presenters is open now - let me know by October 6 if you have an idea for your eight-minute slot. In previous years we’ve had pub quizzes, standup comedy set about wombats butts, hip-hop about developers and great talks too – what have you got to share?

Variety is the hallmark of the night, do something creative, or just bring a talk that sets the audience's mind whirring - get involved!

MC Dr Phil Dooley warms the crowd up at Smiths Alternative, you’re guaranteed a warm reception for your best nerdy jokes! 

TRAINING Want some help coming up with ideas? Got ideas you want to bounce around? Dr Phil Dooley is offering two training sessions before the gig: A content session to discuss ideas, about two weeks before, and a body and voice session, to develop stage presence, conquer nerves and sound great. $150 for the two sessions. Email to register.

When: 6.30 PM Wednesday, November 6

Where: Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga St, Civic

Cost: Free, thanks to the Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra

More Info:

The Fineprint

* Acts are limited to strictly eight minutes.

* Available resources at the venue: powerpoint screen PC/mac, microphone, PA sound system, dimmable lights

* Participants will need to inform us of their requirements for AV, power etc before the night.

* Presentations are displayed from laptop provided only, to prevent AV hiccups. We’ll assist with downloading material and testing in advance.

* There are limited slots available on the night: we will do our best to include as many participants as possible, selection will be based on showcasing a range of performances and experience.

*There will be limited help available for setup and packup, for heavy or complicated equipment so please BYO roadies.

* Participants must ensure that the stage is clean and tidy for the next participant.

--  o  o  o  oDr Phil DooleyScience writer, videomaker, presenter and science communication to the email listYouTube, Facebook, Twitter: Phil Up On SciencePhysical: Canberra, Australia, UT +10/11E: phildooley@gmail.comP: +61 414 94 55 77