2019-20 Major Grant Rounds

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue34 26–30 August 2019

Dear colleagues,


RE: Upcoming 2019-2020 major grant rounds - Hard deadlines and NoI forms

If you are applying for a grant in the upcoming 2019-2020 major grants round, please read this email carefully.

College Hard Deadlines

The College of Health & Medicine (CHM) and the College of Science (CoS) will continue the ‘hard internal deadlines’ policy for the upcoming 2019-2020 major grant round. This policy has been endorsed by the Executive Committees of both Colleges.

The hard internal deadlines are in place in order to reduce the likelihood of ineligible and/or incomplete applications being submitted, to help ensure that the applications are well thought-through with the best chance of success, and to avoid undue stress being placed on Research Management staff who are handling a huge volume of submissions to multiple schemes over this period. This is especially important with the new NHMRC grant program still in its infancy, and the large volume of proposals being submitted to ARC, NHMRC, and other funding agencies throughout the major grant round period.

The College hard deadline general principles with ARC and NHMRC timelines are available on the intranet.

Exemptions from the hard internal deadlines will only be considered in the event of a serious and unforeseen circumstance. In such a case, the researcher should submit a written request to the School Director, who will choose whether to forward it to the Dean for approval.

Notification of Intent Form – August 2019

The first of two calls will be made shortly requesting notifications of intent (NoIs) to apply to ARC and NHMRC schemes opening and closing in the remainder of 2019. We appreciate that in some instances you may still be awaiting results for applications submitted to these schemes in the 2018-2019 round. We expect the outcomes for these soon. If they haven’t arrived by the last week of August, please fill out the NoI form to assist with planning for the next round. You may withdraw your NoI as appropriate after receiving outcomes.



Best wishes,




Professor Kiaran Kirk


ANU College of Science

The Australian National University

Canberra  ACT  2601  AUSTRALIA


Executive Assistant: Angela Ryan

T: +61 2 6125 0421 | E: ea.cos@anu.edu.au