Updates to HDR milestone schedule for Physics students

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue32 12–16 August 2019

IMPORTANT updates to HDR milestone schedule for Physics students


The Research School of Physics has introduced some changes to the milestone schedule for HDR students.

A document outlining the new milestone structure will be available on the Physics Intranet.


The main changes include the following:

a) There is now a new Confirmation of Candidature milestone which needs to be completed at the end of the first year will apply to all students who commenced from 1 January 2019. This milestone incorporates a thesis proposal review, a report on the progress to date and an oral presentation. It is a major milestone which will affect the progression of the candidature. In ISIS this milestone needs to be initiated as the first progress report that is currently in the milestone schedule. Students and supervisors can upload any supporting documentation into the First Progress Report eform. The Thesis Proposal Review eform does not need to be initiated/completed separately.

b) At the end of the second year of enrolment a Mid-Term Review needs to be completed (seminar) and submitted as part of the second progress report (only one milestone eform instead of two as was required previously).

c) Third progress report MUST be completed prior to students seeking a scholarship extension at the end of the third year. It is recommended students initiate the third progress report eform in advance of its due date which is currently scheduled on the third anniversary of their enrolment.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team.


Also attached for your reference:


Kind regards




Liudmila Mangos

Senior Student Administration Officer (Team Leader)

Research School of Physics

College of Science

58 Mills Road, Cockcroft Building

The Australian National University

Canberra ACT 2601 Australia


T +61 2 6125 1315

E liudmila.mangos@anu.edu.au
