Market Day Reminder - 13 August

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue30 29 July–2 August 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Physics Project Market Day will this year be held on the 13th of August, and in anticipation we will once again be ensuring that the available student projects are up to date. If you would like your projects to be included in the booklet, please ensure that they are current by the 31st of July. To update (or add) projects, follow the following steps:

  1. On the school intranet login to the “Web Database” this is where you can edit your physics web profile
  2. Click on the “My available projects” link
  3. Click the “Bump 2019” button for any projects you want to roll over
  4. Edit, delete or add any other projects


If you are a co-supervisor on any projects owned by someone else, please prompt them to update the project for inclusion in this year’s booklet.


Thank you for helping make the day a success,


Martin Conway

Acting IT Manager