EoI - AD (R) closes 16 August 2019

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue29 22–26 July 2019

EOI - Associate Director (Research) closes 16 August 2019

EoI - Associate Director (Research)

The Associate Director (Research) is a significant role in the School, chiefly responsible for the review of research metrics (ERA), the development of the research funding opportunities (Category 1-4) and building an environment that enhances the quality of grant applications from RSPhys (peer review). The AD(R) will be the School’s representative at all ANU and College research fora. In addition, the portfolio convenes the Fixed Term Appointments Committee (FTAC). 

As part of the School Executive, the AD(R) joins the Heads of Department in determining resourcing and strategic direction. This is an important role within the School and the successful applicant will be responsible for growing the research impact and human research capability in the School, reporting to HoDs on funding drivers and research metrics evaluation.

Selection Criteria

Demonstrated research intensity with a well-developed track record, commensurate with opportunity. Demonstrated academic leadership qualities in respect of research, community interaction and professional integrity. Seeks to contribute to developing research guidelines and processes within the School. Seeks to represent current research metrics provided by University sources. Demonstrated capacity in chairing and contributing to committees to promote the University’s agreed strategic research directions. Demonstrated commitment to WHS. Highly developed oral and written communication skills and a demonstrated commitment to excellence in research and ability to foster inclusive, respectful and productive working relationships with staff, students and colleagues at all levels.

Position Details:

Term: 3 years, with possibility for extension (CCF and Fixed Term applicants would be in line with their current appointment term, initially to a maximum of 3 years).

Benefits: The position attracts a responsibility loading.

Application requirements:

Any academic staff member within RSPhys at Level C and above is invited to apply. Existing Heads are welcome to apply, however, if successful will be required to choose one of the two roles. Applicants should address their suitability against the selection criteria within a 2 page limit. Included in the 2 page submission should be a brief statement listing initiatives the applicant would bring to the role. This statement will form an important differentiation for applications. Applications should be emailed as a PDF to the School Manager by 5pm on Friday 16th August 2019.


Application Details:

Closing date: 5pm on Friday 16th August 2019

Submission: Freeform against Selection Criteria and vision statement with a limit of 2 pages.

Selection Committee: School-based representative committee including an external panel member.

Returning officer: RSPE School Manager - sm.rspe@anu.edu.au


Please contact the School Manager or the Director for any questions about this position.

 Associated Information: