Mathematica Workshops 17-18 June

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue24 17–21 June 2019

Dear All,
As you may know, the Gill group are heavy users of the Mathematica resource and have invited Paul Abbott, one of the world's foremost Matematica experts, to visit our lab next week. Paul has kindly agreed to lead a series of workshops over Monday and Tuesday providing an introduction, immersion and deep-dive into Mathematica and its various uses. These workshops are open to anyone that would like to attend and it would be a pleasure to meet a few more of ANU's Mathematica aficionadoes. 
Workshop Location - Building 138 Room 3.104
Advanced Session - Monday 17th 3-5
Beginners Session - Tuesday 18th 9:30-11
Intermediate Session - Tuesday 18th 11-12:30
More about Paul
Paul Abbott is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computing at the University of Western Australia. He obtained his PhD in theoretical atomic physics from UWA in 1987, worked for Wolfram Research Inc (WRI)—the makers of Mathematica—from 1989-1992, and is presently a WRI consultant. Abbott was the founding technical editor of The Mathematica Journal in 1990 and was a columnist until 2010.
Abbott uses computer algebra in his research—on wavelets, atomic physics, and special functions—and in his teaching. Abbott is a co-author of MathLink: Network Programming with Mathematica (2001). In 2002 he was a member of a winning team in the SIAM 100-Dollar, 100-Digit Challenge and in 2016 he won an Australian University Teaching Award.
Fun Fact: Paul Abbott was one of my Physics Degree Professors and taught almost exclusively with Mathematica.
Please RSVP if you intend to attend.
Stephen Dale