Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue23 10–14 June 2019

Fulbright Scholarships


The Australian-American Fulbright Commission offers scholarships to Australian citizens across all career stages. Awardees take part in an academic and cultural exchange, pursuing research or study at a U.S. institution, experiencing life abroad and bringing back their knowledge and experience to share with their communities in Australia.


The Fulbright Program has undergone a visual identity update, including new branding colours and a revised logo. We believe this refreshed look reveals how Fulbright innovates to meet complex global challenges and increase mutual understanding, sending more Australians to the U.S. to research, collaborate, teach, learn, and help solve the world’s most complex problems.

Please note the new colours and logo, but rest assured that we are providing the same prestigious, high-quality, transformative exchange experiences to Australian students and researchers. In fact, in 2019 we have doubled the number of Fulbright Scholarships on offer to Australian applicants.

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know that the 2020 round of Fulbright applications will remain open until 15 July 2019, so there is still plenty of time for your students, researchers, and faculty to lodge an application online at

We’ve recently travelled to nearly every university in Australia to talk about exchange scholarship opportunities, but if anyone at ANU happened to miss the sessions, we’ve recorded a handy YouTube tutorial here:

Please feel free to contact our office if you have any queries.


Alex Maclaurin
Communications Manager
Australian-American Fulbright Commission