Last Chance - Science Meets Parliament

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue17 29 April–3 May 2019

Opportunity to Attend STA’s Science Meets Parliament  (Apply by April 30th!)


Science and Technology Australia has opened nominations for Science Meets Parliament 2019. This event is to promote interaction between government and scientists and was started in part by our own Prof. Ken Baldwin. The AIP can send two delegates to the event on 13 and 14 August and is doing an open call for expressions of intereste. If you are a member of the AIP and are interested in this professional development activity pls read on!

This event includes:

one day of professional development focused on communication and lobbying skills gala dinner in the Great Hall of Parliament televised National Press Club lunch a day at Parliament House, where delegates meet privately in small groups of three to five with parliamentarians a parliamentary forum  farewell networking cocktails with the Parliamentary Friends of Science.


Attendees at last year’s event described it as “a fantastic opportunity to see the inside operation of our government”, “a rewarding experience” and “very motivational and educational”.

If you are interested in attending Science Meets Parliament (and you are a member of the AIP!), please send an expression of interest to AIP Hon Secretary Kirrily Rule at and cc-Jodie Bradby by 30 April. Preference will be given to EMCRs but all members and fellows may apply. Your application should include short CV and a short statement (~1 paragraph) indicating why you would like to attend.




Prof. Jodie Bradby

President - The Australian Institute of Physics | PhB Physics Discipline Coordinator | Leader High Pressure Physics Group

Research School of Physics and Engineering

The Australian National University | Canberra ACT 2601 | Australia 

T: +61 2 6125 4916 | M: +61 040 227 6767