Salary Sacrificing Updates & Superannuation on Unpaid Parental Leave

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue15 15–19 April 2019

Dear Colleagues


I am pleased to announce the release of two Human Resources Division initiatives in relation to superannuation and salary sacrificing.


***Please share this information with staff in your local areas***


Superannuation on unpaid parental leave

Following on from the Vice-Chancellor announcement on 8 March 2019 in relation to the payment of employer superannuation contributions for staff who access up to 26 weeks unpaid parental leave, procedural changes and an employee fact sheet are now live.

In addition, all eligible staff accessing unpaid parental leave from 8 March 2019 have now been contacted and advised of additional payments to their superannuation.

Further information can be found here or by contact the Parental Leave team.


Salary sacrificing

The Division have recently reviewed the Salary Sacrificing Procedure to ensure maximum benefits are available to staff under this procedure. This review has seen the inclusion of two new benefits for staff to salary sacrifice, e-bikes and relocation expenses.

Electronic bikes (e-bikes) are an excellent source of transport and supported by the University in relation to sustainability.

Relocation expenses maybe be able to be salary sacrificed where a staff member is required to relocate to take up a position with the University, where relocation costs have not been paid for by the University, and where the items are exempt from FBT.

Further information can be found in the Salary Sacrificing Procedure, or by contacting your Local HR team.


The Human Resources Division are continually reviewing benefits to staff, and are pleased to have the support of the University in relation to both of these initiatives.


Best wishes,




Dr Nadine White

Director - Human Resources

Human Resources Division | Chancelry Building 10A | The Australian National University | Canberra ACT 2601

T +61 2 6125 0816 | F +61 2 6125 5011 | E | W |  CRICOS Provider #00120C

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