15/16 April - ASD - Capture the Flag

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue14 8–12 April 2019

ANU has invited Australian Signals Directorate to run a 'Capture the Flag' event on campus.

Capture the Flag (CTF) is a friendly competition consisting of assorted cyber security and cryptography problems and puzzles.   Participants work in teams to solve these problems; successfully solving a problem yields a flag which can be submitted to a server which gives your team the points for that problem.  More broadly, a CTF is a hands-on learning tool for anyone interested in developing their skills in cyber defence and attack methodologies. Some of the problem categories for this particular CTF are software reverse engineering, web exploitation and mathematical cryptography. It’s also a lot of fun!

Throughout the event, the makers of the CTF will be available to talk about and lend a hand with some of the challenges they created. 

