Fellowship Opportunity

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue11 18–22 March 2019

Fellowship Opportunity: Women in Clean Energy, International Energy Agency.


An exciting opportunity is being offered to the next generation of aspiring women leaders to work at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris for six months. The Fellowship will support research, data collection and development activities to strengthen IEA’s Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Technology Collaboration Partnership (C3E TCP) work programme and also undertake a research project to feed into IEA’s current program of work. Fellows will receive the equivalent of 1800 EUR per month for a period of up to six months plus return travel to Paris. More information in the attached document. For further details please contact sarah.wilson@anu.edu.au.


IEA C3E Fellowship

As part of the IEA’s modernisation strategy, the agency has launched an effort to promote gender diversity across the organisation. IEA’s Gender Diversity Initiative aims to increase IEA’s involvement in substantive gender-related programmes; support the career development of all staff equally and make the IEA a more obvious career option for qualified women.

The Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) was set up in 2010 to promote policies and programs that advance clean energy technology including the need to harness all talent and human capital to affect progress. C3E was launched to attract more women to rewarding clean energy careers and support their advancement into leadership positions and in 2017 became the newest IEA Technology Collaboration Partnership (TCP).


Establishment of an annual Fellowship for female students at the IEA which supports both the agency’s gender diversity strategy and the C3E TCP’s work programme. The Fellowship will provide on the job experience for a promising student to work in a multicultural environment on leading energy issues related to women’s education and skills development, clean energy or energy access. The placement of a fellow at the IEA will provide both the agency and C3E TCP with direct input from the next generation of aspiring women leaders.


The selected fellow will support data collection, indicators development and qualitative research to be undertaken under Annex 1 of the C3E TCP or another Annex and would also undertake research related to the IEA’s work programme focused on either women’s education and skills development, energy access or clean energy deployment.

Selection process

Perspective candidates would be asked to submit a research proposal (based on a pre-selection of topics in line with the IEA’s current programme of work) to be undertaken during the fellowship at the IEA. Candidates would also need to meet requirements to be set out in the Fellowship Job Description (see below).

The Fellowship will be open to female students from the following fields of study: Engineering, Science, Economics, Education, Political Science and Women Studies. Candidates from all nationalities are welcome and those from IEA association, accession and partner countries1 are particularly encouraged to apply.


Cecilia Tam, Senior Energy Analyst International Energy Agency Cecilia.tam@iea.org

1 These countries include, Brazil, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Russia, Singapore, South Africa and Thailand

IEA C3E Fellowship Job Description

The Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Technology Collaboration Partnership (C3E TCP) participants work together to inspire more women to enter into clean energy careers and retain the current female clean energy workforce. By sharing lessons learned across partner countries and organisations, and highlighting successful strategies, the initiative will help countries better understand the impact of diversity inclusion and identify effective ways to improve retention among women in the clean energy sector.

The C3E TCP work programme covers the following areas:

  1. 1)  Global Women in Clean Energy Resources and Needs Inventory. This work stream collects and shares information on women’s participation in the clean energy sector workforce.

  2. 2)  Women in Clean Energy Career Development Network.

  3. 3)  Annual C3E Recognition and Awards Program.

  4. 4)  Global Women in Clean Energy Communications Hub. Building a platform for international collaboration and dialogue to share expertise, facilitate an exchange of best practices and international polices that support women in clean energy.

Applicants should be highly motivated individuals with a keen interest in promoting women’s education and empowerment within the clean energy field.

The fellowship will support research, data collection and development activities to strengthen IEA’s support of the C3E TCP work programme and also undertake a research project to feed into IEA’s current program of work. Interested candidates are asked to submit a research project proposal under one of the following topic areas: women’s education and skills development in clean energy, energy access or clean energy deployment.

Candidates must be registered as a student for the full duration of the fellowship. Preference is given to students pursuing a Master’s or PhD degree.

Application Requirements

  •   Good knowledge of the energy sector, particularly with respect to energy access, clean energy, energy sector employment and training and capacity development;

  •   A keen interest in women’s empowerment, education and development;

  •   Quantitative skills, including spreadsheet analysis and database management;

  •   Strong drafting and editing skills in English, including the ability to communicate clearly on complex topics; and

  •   Ability to thrive in a multicultural environment. Remuneration

    Fellows will receive the equivalent of 1800 EUR per month for a period of up to 6 months plus return transfer to Paris.