JCOS Career Development Framework

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue8 25 February–1 March 2019

JCOS Career Development Framework

The ANU Joint Colleges of Science invite Higher Degree Research student to participate in the JCOS Career Development Framework – this is an opportunity for HDR students to develop and get recognition for transferable skills, discipline-specific training, industry connections and experiences to be managed.

Please log into the Science Career Development Framework Wattle Site - and, if you do not have access to the site please email  for registration.

The “Introduction” will provide background information on the framework and the points scheme used. You will get points for the completion of activities and once you obtain a minimum of 30 CDS points you will receive a certificate of completion at graduation which lists all the workshops, courses and experiences over the period of your candidature.

Further information: Email the Career Development Team via science.hdr.sa@anu.edu.au.