Forum on ARC assessment processes - humanities and creative arts disciplines

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue6 11–15 February 2019

ARC assessment processes and the current climate for competitive funding in the humanities and creative arts disciplines

Professor Joanne Tompkins, the Executive Director of Humanities and Creative Arts at the ARC, along with the Australian National University (ANU) would like to extend an invite to all ACT-based researchers and research administrators to attend a forum on ARC assessment processes and the current climate for competitive funding in the humanities and creative arts disciplines.

 It will cover:

Professor Tompkins did note that while her focus will be HCA, this session will not be limited to this area. Researchers from other disciplines are encouraged to attend as well. Additionally, time will be set aside for a question and answer session at the end.

I would be grateful if you could distribute the following link amongst your researchers and professional staff, and encourage them to book in as soon as possible as tickets are limited.

Kindest Regards,



Monica Boyle

Research Manager

ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences Research Office

T: +61 2 612 56691
