HR System Updates

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue95 12–16 November 2018

Dear Colleagues

I would like to take this opportunity to share some recent achievements and enhancements made to functionality within the HR Management System (HRMS), HORUS and/or other systems maintained and supported by the HR Division.

Single Sign On (SSO)

Over recent months, HR Systems have been working closely with our colleagues at ITS to deliver SSO functionality across multiple HR systems. These include:

Since August 2018, SSO has allowed for 155,000 direct accesses to the above systems, with HORUS accounting for approximately 95% of SSO log ins. Early in the implementation piece, an issue was identified that restricted a staff members ability to access multiple enterprise systems within the same browser that they were using to access HORUS/ISIS. This issue has now been resolved and individuals can access any enterprise system simultaneously with HORUS/ISIS, within the same browser. If an individual continues to have an issue then it is recommended that they clear their browsing history.

Delegations – Assign Delegation Short Term Acting form

Whilst the new delegation framework and its associated functionality has been well received the need to refine and continue to streamline processes has continued to be a focus of the division. A significant pain point for users was the requirement for the individual to assign Approval Proxies for staff as a separate process, following completion of the Assign Delegation Short Term Acting form. The addition of a check box within the form now allows the individual to assign Approval Proxies for the acting staff member if required, and will automatically create approval proxies following approval of the form. The new functionality will:


I have attached a Quick reference Guide to highlight the change in the <Assign Delegation Short Term Acting form>. (Pls see your emails for this cheat sheet)


ANU Pulse and Auto Update to Employee Training Records

ANU Pulse provides staff, including pre employees, with access to self-paced online training courses which can be completed at any time form either work or home. Issues with a lack of interconnectivity between ANU Pulse and the HRMS required HR staff to manually update the HRMS with those probationary modules completed via ANU Pulse. Functionality has now been implemented that allows for automatic HRMS updates following the completion of ANU Pulse courses. This update will also apply to a staff member’s training summary upon completion of the predefined set of courses within ANU Pulse. These courses include:


The benefits of this new functionality include:



Technical support in relation to any of the above processes should be directed to the HR Systems Support Team:

The HR Systems Support Team are located within the Human Resources Division and are available Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm HR Systems help desk phone: (612) 59622 Email address:    Send Feedback and Improvement suggestions to 

This work has been a collaborative effort with extensive input from across the University. I thank you for your continued support and look forward to receiving feedback from your areas in order to facilitate an environment of continuous development and improvement.

Regards, John


John Frezza

Associate Director HR Systems

Human Resources Division

The Australian National University

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F +61 2 6125 9809



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