ANU Academics to Secure US Research Funding

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue92 22–26 October 2018

Dear Colleagues,

McAllister & Quinn (MAQ) a Washington DC consulting firm, has recently been contracted by the ANU to assist ANU academics to secure US research funding. 

 MAQ plays a vital role in supporting an institution’s research and researchers by helping them to secure USA federal funding, and establish lasting relationships to support research and development (R&D), partnerships, commercialisation, and demonstration and/or procurement goals.

Andy Quinn and Jessica Venables from MAQ visited ANU on 4th and 5th October, holding a series of meetings with researchers from various ANU Schools and Departments. Further to this visit we are now calling for concept papers as a starting point in applying for US Department of Defence funding opportunities. The Concept Papers must align with priorities listed in the attachments. You will see that there are a number of S&T topics the Department of Defence is interested in, so you should ensure that your research has a US military or defence application.  The Concept Paper template is attached.

ANU Strategic Research Initiatives (SRI) and Strategic Projects and Partnerships (SPP) are coordinating the concept paper submission process together with MAQ. Please find below the proposed timetable for the process.

Guidelines and Timeline:

October 15                       - Concept Paper Opportunity advertised

November 7                     - The Concept paper template is to be fully completed and submitted to SRI&SPP.

November 14                  - SRI and SPP will review and shortlist to 15 concept papers.

November 15                  - 15 Concept papers will be presented to MAQ for review.

Nov/Dec                            - MAQ review of submitted Concept papers.

Dec                                    - SRI and SPP will provide feedback to Concept papers not considered for review by MAQ in this round.

January 2019                   - MAQ will review 15 Concept papers, and shortlist three which MAQ will write into full proposals.

January 2019                    - Concept papers not invited to full proposal stage will receive feedback and advice on opportunities for funding in the US.

 Deadline for submission of Concept paper: COB Wednesday 7 November 2018 (note: late submissions will not be considered). Concept paper submission to be sent to

 Contact your CRO for a copy of the following documentation:

Concept paper template "MQ_ Department of Defence Research Priorities" file outlines the Department of Defence science and technology programs (DOD S&T, referring to basic and applied research and early-stage technology). Note that this document identifies a wide range of scientific and engineering fields that are of potential interest to the Department of Defence and the military branches.  The "MQ_ Department of Defence _FY2019 Funding Priorities" reports on initiatives and programs that saw funding increases in the 2019 funding bill. These topics will be of particular interest in upcoming DOD solicitations.

 If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact ( or Keith Finlayson (

Kind regards,



Dr Nina Svedin 

Project Officer

Strategic Research Initiatives

Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

The Australian National University  | Canberra  | ACT  2601

T: + 61 2 6125 6259 | E: