Volcanoes, climate change and space junk

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue90 8–12 October 2018

This Tuesday - Spring means Physics! Please circulate to your lists, put in your newsletters etc!


Volcanoes, climate change and space junk

Local Physicists hit the pub to tell you about their amazing research. Ancient photos of the Universe, amazing new materials and the next quantum revolution  - it's brain boggling stuff.

Host Dr Phil Dooley from Phil Up On Science will steer you through eight short presentations of phascinating physics, fantastical journeys and philosophical musings.

All in the relaxed atmosphere of Smiths Alternative, with warming beverages and satisfying snacks.

When: Tuesday 9 October, 6 PM

Where: Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga St Civic - new larger room!

How Much: Free thanks to the AIP and Inspiring the ACT!


Get there early as we always pack out!


More Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/332415783969319/

The Line Up

 Ayan Acharyya (Stromlo@ANU) is going to take us time travelling. Aww look, the Universe when it was just a baby - so cute!

Tropical Cyclones are one of the most powerful systems on Earth. As the climate warms, Liz Ritchie (UNSW Canberra) says they will become rainier.

This spot vacant due to a late scratching... if you'd like to present call Dr Phil now 0414 94 55 77.

Phil Dooley (Phil Up On Science) has detected organisms that pump out toxic corrosive gas at a level that could change the whole planet. They're called plants.

Quantum physics has given us transistors and lasers, says David Gozzard (Quantum Physics@ANU) - the second quantum revolution will bring sensors and quantum computing.

Rod Boswell (Physics@ANU) will discuss the meaning of truth. Come prepared to debate with him!

The discovery of graphene will change the world, they say. Iolanda di Bernardo (Engineering@ANU) wants to know if that future is close or was it all a lie?

 ** I need an AV geek to run the slides... contact me now if you'd like free drinks and can help!

Dr Phil Dooley
Science writer, videomaker, presenter and science communication trainer.

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter: Phil Up On Science
E: phildooley@gmail.com
P: 0414 94 55 77