Research Fingerprinting

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue83 20–24 August 2018

Dear colleagues,

As an ANU researcher you have free access to Research Professional, a comprehensive online database of research funding opportunities from Australia and around the world.

NEW – Research Fingerprinting

Research Professional (RP) is testing new functionality to notify you automatically of relevant funding opportunities as they arise, which will save you time from having to conduct manual searches. The system builds a profile of you, called a research fingerprint, that is based on keyword matches from your ANU researcher profile page ( Once research fingerprinting is turned on, RP will send you a weekly email (each Saturday morning) containing selected research funding opportunities that match your fingerprint and have been added to the database or updated during the preceding week.

To trial this new functionality, please reply to this message / send an email to with a request to turn on Research Professional fingerprinting.

We will send volunteers basic instructions on how to find, review, and edit the list of discipline terms comprising your research fingerprint, and to provide any feedback on the quality and relevance of the opportunities being sent to you, the notification format and frequency, and so forth.

If you would like further information on Research Professional or have questions about this new functionality, please contact us.


Kind regards,


Thu Roberts

Assistant Manager, Research Management

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