Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue75 25–29 June 2018

Hi colleagues,

As a scientist who became an entrepreneur I believe that researchers have ideas and skills that can change the world beyond academia but they often don't reach this potential. 

At the Canberra Innovation Network, we have been piloting several activities aiming to empower researchers with new skills relevant to industry engagement, collaboration, consulting, commercialisation and more. Our activities are carefully designed to complement your in house commercialisation and training efforts. With 180 researchers participating in the past year we are now confident that we can deliver programs that researchers find engaging and beneficial, including:

Research to Impact - practice innovation methods relevant to early industry engagement in 4 half day workshops.
ON Prime - find market opportunity for teams with developing commercial ideas - 6 days over 10 weeks.Individual assistance to entrepreneurial researchers through our Kiln Incubator program.

Short talk and open discussion showcasing a variety of methods that researchers have successfully used to increase the impact of their work outside academia.





Dr Craig Davis

Canberra Innovation Network

GM Growth Programs

CEO GRIFFIN Accelerator

Chair Capital Angels