Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue73 11–15 June 2018

Launch of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientist Travelling Research Award
This award is open to applications and will close at 
9:00am (AEST) on Friday 27 July 2018.
The award recognises research in the natural sciences by outstanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander PhD students and early- and mid-career scientists. It aims to support the expansion and growth of their research networks and international knowledge exchange through visits to relevant international centres of research. Two annual awards of $5,500 are planned, with additional support provided to attend the Academy's Annual Science at the Shine Dome event.
Essential documentation:
  1. Candidate's short curriculum vitae (up to 3 pages)                                                                  
  2. Letter indicating acceptance by the Aboriginal or Torres strait Islander Community
3.       Host researcher correspondence of support                                                                              
4.       One referee report                                                                                                                               
5.       Support from your department/division head supporting both your research and this application.
6.       (If applicable) Exemption for career interruption request

For further details see here