Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue63 2–6 April 2018

You are invited to meet Prof Genevieve Bell to explore how social science shapes the direction of future technologies in the ARMS event. Please register for the event here.

Event: Meet Genevieve Bell: How social science shapes future technology directions

Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm, 5th April 2018

Address: China in the World Auditorium

Prof Bell heads the newly established Autonomy, Agency and Assurance (3A) Institute, launched in September 2017 by the ANU in collaboration with CSIRO's Data61, tasked with building a new applied science around the management of artificial intelligence, data, technology and their impact on humanity.

Prof Bell completed her PhD in cultural anthropology at Stanford University in 1998. She has spent the past 18 years in Silicon Valley helping guide Intel’s product development by developing the company’s social science and design research capabilities. In February 2017, Prof Bell joined the ANU’s College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Prof Bell is also the inaugural appointee to the Florence Violet McKenzie Chair at the ANU, named in honour Australia’s first female electrical engineer, which promotes the inclusive use of technology in society.

Prof Bell presented the highly acclaimed ABC Boyer Lectures for 2017, in which she interrogated what it means to be human, and Australian, in a digital world.

This event is hosted by Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) ACT Chapter. It is a one-hour seminar, featured with 40 min presentation by Prof Genevieve Bell followed by 20 min Q&A. Drinks and light snacks will be provided after the seminar.

Please register for this event.