Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue53 22–26 January 2018

Dear JCS School Managers,
Happy New Year to you all – I hope everyone enjoyed the break.
In this, the second week of 2018, we have confirmed that the majority of College-level tasks involved in the reorganisation and name changes of the two science Colleges have been completed.  Please note that changes to the Student systems and therefore College names visible in “[]Programs and Courses” are currently being made and are expected to be finalised by the end of February.  Changes to internal emails referring to CMBE and/or CPMS will be finalised by the end of January.
To ensure consistency in the public presentation of the College names we would like to request all School Managers take this opportunity to check that where the College name is stated/displayed it is correct.  In particular we have noticed that the Staff Directory has not been updated for many people across the Schools, and that banners present in foyers etc. still show the old College names.
If there is anything we can do to assist in implementing any required changes please do not hesitate to contact me.  In addition, if you notice any reference to CMBE or CPMS on the ANU website or across campus please do let me know.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Nancy Richardson
Executive Officer
Joint Colleges of Science