Director's Message

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue15 1–5 May 2017

For the month of May I will be attempting to reduce the number of emails I send out of hours by changing my routine and set periods of time for synchronous and asynchronous communication.  In other words, I will set my calendar so that before 1030 each morning I will work on email and other solidary activities (asynchronous comms), between 1030 and 1530 focus on face-to-face (synchronous comms) meetings, and to the end of the day asynchronous comms (email) again.  Tea time will be a buffer time.  This somewhat reflects with our guidelines on family-friendly hours, and certainly accommodates my family arrangements.  My aim is to reduce the fraction of emails sent after hours by 75% over the next month.  At the end of May I'll share with you the level of success, and any adjustments needed.  Please let me know if you’re keen to undertake the trial, and if you like copy the email footer I'll be using for the next month.



I’m undertaking a work habit trial over May

I will be answering email only from 0900-1030 and 1530-1730 each day

Face-to-face meetings will be scheduled 1030-1530 each day

For urgent matters please call/text my mobile
