Workplace Safety Incident and Hazard Reporting Tool

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue13 17–21 April 2017

As part of the Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance project, the University is rolling out a new Claims Management System that includes a new workplace safety incident and hazard reporting tool – Figtree Systems. Over the coming months we will be rolling out a series of communication pieces to inform the University community of the process changes. We will be working in partnership with Colleges and Service Divisions to help transition the new IT system with a go live date of 1 July 2017.

What’s next?

Training details including registration links for face-to-face training will be published on the workplace safety incident and hazard reporting tool webpageonce finalised. User guides will also be created and published online once the documentation is complete.

What do I need to do?

As a valued leader with a duty of care for the wellbeing and safety of other ANU staff members please:


The attached brochure outlines a number of incident and hazard reporting tool process improvements and staff benefits. Further details will be published online as we transition to the new workplace safety incident and hazard reporting tool.

If you have any further queries at this stage please email