2016 Reunion for Physics Alumni and Friends from the 1950s to 1980s

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol42 Issue43 7–11 November 2016

Physics organised its first reunion for alumni and friends of the School on Saturday 16th October 2016. The day provided guests to visit some of the School's facilities, hear about the School's past, present and future plans, reconnect with friends and share treasured memories. Alumni and  previous staff from around the country came together to celebrate this special gathering. Student 3MT presentations, an alumnus’ presentation and tours gave guests a taste of research and activities carried out at the School. The stories shared about people’s time at school were thoroughly enjoyed. 

School Photo Album to capture the wonderful times was launched by the Director. A final booklet will be produced for 2016 Christmas. Photos taken from the 1950s to 1980s are still welcome and will be collected up until November 2016. Please send scanned or digital photograph(s) with the date or year the photo was taken so we can sort the album into decades. Send photographs to: <development.rspe@anu.edu.au>

Photographs from the reunion celebration can be found on photo gallery