HDR Update

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol49 Issue20 27–31 May 2024

May 9   | Managing the Reading
May 13 | How to win 3MT - session #1
May 13 | Literature Review Writing (HASS)
May 14 | PR for Academics - telling great stories
May 15 | Guiding teams, projects and cultivating your leadership style 
May 16 | Literature Review Writing (STEM)
May 20 | Thesis structures (HASS)
May 21 | How to win 3MT - session #2
May 23 | Thesis structures (STEM)
May 28 | How to get published – workshop with Wiley
May 28 | PR for Academics - thinking visually
May 29 | Research Data Management
May 30 | Collaborative Practices Salon #5
May 30 | GIS401: Introduction to GIS Analysis for Research
May 31 | NVivo Introduction

Jun 3  | Word for academic writing: formatting your document
Jun 5 | 3MT Tryouts #1
Jun 6  | Presenting your research
Jun 6  | GIS401: Introduction to GIS Analysis for Research
Jun 11 | From Student to Entrepreneur - leveraging your research skills
Jun 13 | GIS401: Introduction to GIS Analysis for Research
June 14 | Best Seller Book Bootcamp
Jun 14 | NVivo Intermediate
Jun 17 | Word for academic writing: maintaining consistency in your thesis
Jun 20 | 3MT Tryouts #2
Jun 20 | GIS401: Introduction to GIS Analysis for Research
Jun 21 | NVivo Advanced
Jun 24 | Word for academic writing: putting your thesis all together