"Do You Know Physics?" Quiz for RSPE students

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol42 Issue40 10–14 October 2016

Dear students

You are invited to participate the RSPE student physics Quiz 2016 "Do you know physics?".

The winners will be announced at the RSPE Founders Day 2016 on 14 October.

Two prizes of $250 will be awarded.

The quiz is open to all RSPE PhD and Honours students. It contains 10 undergraduate level physics problems of various complexity.

Solutions should be submitted to physquiz2016@anu.edu.au as a PDF document attachment by 9:00am Wednesday 12 October 2016 .

Handwritten documents should be scanned and converted to PDF format.

The Quiz problems are attached to this message. They can also be downloaded from


Good luck!