2024 Frontiers of Science Forum

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol49 Issue6 19–23 February 2024

Exploring major discoveries and theories in physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry at this year’s combined AIP, TGNSW, RSNSW and RACI meeting
Ever since the Copernicun revolution in the 15th century science has been progressing at an exponential rate. Major discoveries and theories in physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry, have shaped and continue to grow at an exponential rate. The Frontiers of Science forum will have a group of international experts to give brief talks on the latest and future developments in their fields of knowledge.

Professor John Mattick AO FAA FTSE FAHMS FRSN HonFRCPA, Professor of RNA Biology, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Dr Renee Goreham, University of Newcastle, School of Information and Physical Sciences.
Professor Katrina Jolliffe, University of Sydney, Associate Dean (Research), Professor of Chemistry.
Associate Professor Richard Garner, Macquarie University, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

5:15pm Refreshments and Networking
6:00pm Welcome – Dr Frederick Osman FAIP FTGN FRSN FACE
6:10pm Presentations (25-minutes each)
8:20pm Panel Discussion and Q/A with Ian Woolf (Diffusion Radio)
9:00pm Vote of Thanks and Close

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