WHS Training Plan

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol48 Issue8 27 February–3 March 2023

Action: Please review the information on this page, your training requirements and make time to complete any outstanding training that has been assigned to you.

It is important to note that completion of assigned safety training will be a requirement for your access to the School buildings, workshops and laboratories. Where training has not been completed in line with requirements then access will be removed from areas until the requisite training is achieved.

With the knowledge that this is a new system and a new approach we have established a grace period for everyone to review and complete their training.

The Director has indicated that from May 1st those without current training will have their access restricted until the training is complete. Please talk to your Head of Department if this timeframe poses specific issues for you and we will attempt to accommodate.

We are mindful that the University records are not perfect and that some records in the training plan tool may be incomplete.

If you have completed training in the past that is not being shown in your training records in the plan, please let the WHS office know and send through evidence of your completion of this training (Certificate from Pulse or a screenshot from pulse or HORUS) and we will organise to have your records updated.