Women* in Physics Present

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol47 Issue37 19–23 September 2022

The Women* in Physics group invite you to come and meet author and physicist Chris Ferrie.

There will be two different events taking place on the Friday 23rd September.

“Physics for Kids: An Interactive Book Reading with Chris Ferrie”

At 10am, Chris will give a presentation to members of the ANU daycare centers and the children of the school, in the Physics Auditorium (bldg. 160). 

This event is aimed at children 3-6 years old.  

ANU staff - bring your children!  

If you would like to attend the kid’s presentation (30 min), please contact Noemie Bastidon at noemie.bastidon@anu.edu.au by the 21st September. Only adults accompanying children are allowed in the presentation. This will be followed by an opportunity to discuss with the author and have books signed.  

Books will be available for purchase in the Physics Foyer.  

“The Cat In The Box”

At 1pm, Chris Ferrie will give a school wide seminar in the Physics Auditorium (bldg. 160). All Welcome! 

Abstract: In 1935, Erwin Schrodinger put a (hypothetical!) cat in a box. With a vile of poison and some quantum magic, we were forced to the conclusion that the cat was both alive and dead at the same time. Over 80 years later, it is either one impressive cat or it is surely dead. I will resurrect Schrodinger's cat and discuss the implications of and on the famous thought experiment from the perspective of the recently developed fields of quantum information and computation, but not before showing you how we can share such seemingly complex concepts even to children!