Invitation to Nominate Candidates for the 2023 Schmidt Science Fellows Award

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol47 Issue12 28 March–1 April 2022

Interested candidates should provide a CV plus a letter of recommendation from the HDR Program Convenor (Prof Patrick Kluth). They should also provide their PhD topic (see below for eligibility criteria).

In addition, the HDR Program Convenor must provide confirmation (via email) that the nominee is of ‘good academic standing’.

About the Program
The Schmidt Science Fellows program provides the world’s best emerging scientists with new skills and perspectives to develop novel solutions to society’s challenges, become scientific and societal thought leaders, and accelerate ground-breaking discoveries.


The Schmidt Science fellows program offers:


  1. Candidates must have conducted their graduate degree in the natural sciences (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences), Engineering, Mathematics, or Computing – and all sub-disciplines therein. 
  2. Candidates must have completed, or expect to complete, all of the requirements for the conferral of their PhD in one of these fields between 1 June 2022 and 30 July 2023.
  3. Candidates must be available for the entire period of the 2023 program, from July 2023 to September 2024 including attendance of the Global Meeting Series (whether virtual or in person, as conditions allow, and including additional virtual programming).
  4. Candidates must be nominated by a designated senior official at ANU (i.e.: Dean HDR).

Status of Good Standing for Nominees
Schmidt Science Fellows asks that administrative checks be carried out for all candidates nominated to the 2023 competition, and that ANU be confident in their good standing within ANU. 'Good standing' is taken to mean that the University’s nominees have no past or current sanctions on their record and are not subject to any current disciplinary investigations (relating to either their academic performance or conduct) which may bring the Program into disrepute.

Schmidt Science Fellows do not require an individual letter of good standing for each nominee, simply an assurance that such administrative checks will be carried out before nominations are made. 


Selection process and selection criteria
Schmidt Science Fellows website for details on the selection process and selection criteria.

Nominations from individual Schools will be considered by the College and shortlisted candidates will be then sent for consideration at the University level. ANU can nominate up to 6 candidates.