November is... Academic Writing Month - #AcWriMo

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol46 Issue47 29 November–3 December 2021

Join the Researcher Development community online for a festival of writing, set your writing goals and have some company along the way. We will provide online writing sessions, a register for recording your output, and lots of writing workshops to help you reach your goals.

Brought to you by ANU Researcher Development team: Professor Inger Mewburn (@thesiswhisperer), Dr Cally Guerin and Dr Derek Panchuk.

Why do it?
Writing always seems to take longer than we expect, and for lots of us it’s really very hard work – so we procrastinate and procrastinate… Breaking through your usual barriers and establishing the habit of writing is very motivating. AcWriMo will kickstart your writing and provide a community to help you succeed.

How does it work?

You decide how many words you are going to write each day in November, or how many hours you will devote to writing each day. Aim high, but within reach.

Sign up via this form, then follow the link to register your writing goals. At the end of each day enter your output for the day; at the end of each week, tally the results and brag about your total.

#AcWriMo workshops

How to enjoy thesis writing

Our theme for AcWriMo 2021 is ‘How to enjoy thesis writing’. Lots of HDRs struggle to get on with their writing, and some of you may not be enjoying it very much at the moment. This series offers a range of ways to find positive energy for writing in November, creating momentum that you can carry through into the rest of your PhD project. Join up for whichever sessions are right for you.

03| Finding writing energy with the right support
10| Honing your peer review skills
17| Thriving in your PhD
24| Maintaining writing enjoyment beyond AcWriMo 

Write like an Olympian

Do you think of yourself as a high-performer? Do you approach your writing like a high-performer? Dr Derek Panchuk has worked with some of the best coaches and athletes in the world to help them achieve their potential. In this 4-part series (come for one or come for all) we’ll explore habits and activities that have helped Olympic athletes reach the podium and how you can use these tactics to create your own high performing writing habits!

04| Setting the bar for writing success
09| Deliberate practice for productive writing
18| Performing when it counts
23| (Self) Coaching and feedback

Writing in company – value+

The AcWriMo weekly writing sessions are designed to help you get extra value out of your writing efforts. Participants announce their specific tasks for each session. This advance preparation means that you will be ready to get straight into the writing the moment the bell goes. Research writing expert Dr Cally Guerin will guide participants through the sessions, providing on-the-spot suggestions and advice.

05| Writing in company-value+
12| Writing in company-value+
16| Writing in company-value+
22| Writing in company-value+

How to write

Professor Inger Mewburn (@thesiswhisperer) will take you on a journey through her favourite writing hacks. You’ll learn how to make your writing clearer and more persuasive. If you’ve ever got feedback like ‘your writing doesn’t flow’ or ‘this doesn’t sound very academic’, then these workshops are for you! The sessions will have one hour of instruction and an hour where you can stay on, if you like, to practice what you have learned and ask questions.

01| How to plan your last year of writing
02| How to diagram your writing
08| How to write logically connected sentences
11| How to write with less word clutter
15| How to write more compelling sentences
19| How to write clearer sentences
25| How to write a more powerful paragraph
26| How to write about other people's research