Marketing Channels

There are three main channels for communication at the ANU:

1) Physics Communications focuses on more technical content, aimed at physicists, e.g. prospective HDR and EMCR researchers and other peers. The main channels are the Research School of Physics’ website, and the social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked In). Please follow these pages.

We can help get content onto the schools TV screens too.

The physics website is not intended to reach a non-physics audience, and will probably not receive any media attention.

2) The Media Office is the university channel for engaging with the press. They have limited bandwidth, but if they take on a story it will get good media exposure. Their audience is non-technical, so do not expect much physics detail in stories they write for you. They write and send out press releases to a number of channels.

  • Email lists of journalists
  • The Scimex (science media exchange) website at the Australian Science Media Centre in Adelaide
  • Eurekalert website: press release clearing house run by the AAAS
  • University News website / ANU Reporter
  • University social media channels (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)

They look after communication with politicians and diplomatic VIPs, if you have a visit from a minister for example you should let them know and they can help you plan and execute it.

They can also organise media visits for high-profile events with significant news. In general lectures, visiting scientists, prize announcements are not covered.

They maintain a database of ANU experts that you can register for via email below.

They run regular free media training sessions and can help with specific preparation for interviews or events.

02 6125 7979

3) The College of Science Marketing team is focused on prospective students, and have a wider focus than just science news, covering people stories, college goings on, etc. They have good social media reach. They can also help with school student engagement.


Personal webspace that you can build yourself. Contact


Resposible officer