Honours information

Honours structure

A description of the structure of your honours year in available on our Honours structure intranet page

Honours handbooks

All honours student should be familiar with the College of Science Honours Handbook. Topics include: What Honours is and what you will get out of it, Application and enrolment information, Expectations of students and supervisors, Ethics in research, Occupational health and safety, Intellectual property, Thesis writing guide, Data Fabrication & Plagiarism, Honours timeline, Extensions policy, Grading criteria.

Please also download the Physics honours handbook (PDF, 4MB)

Your honours workspace

Your honours workspace will be provided by your honours project research group. If this is not the case please contact the honours convenors.

Contact information & email address

As part of the enrolment procedure, you should have been given an email account. When you enrolled you were given an ANU email account. Your email address is u1234567@anu.edu.au (where 1234567 is your student number). Information on using this email account. Please make sure the honours coordinators always have up to date contact details for you.

The Academic Skills and Learning Centre

The Academic Skills and Learning Centre offers a range of assistance to Honours students. See their web site for details.

Graduate Information Literacy Program

This program has been designed to provide research students with the information searching and information technology skills that will be needed to complete a research degree at the ANU. Also offered is training in the information skills that are sought after in the workplace. Home | Courses

Safety issues

You should attend any of the Occupational Health & Safety courses that are relevant to your project: chemical safety, ionising radiation safety, laser safety. If you will be using lasers in your research project, see the Departmental Administrator about eye tests as soon as possible. Also discuss with your supervisor about laser safety courses and procedures. Your supervisor should inform you of this and any other safety issues.

Departmental seminars

Attending the research school colloquiums is a strict requirement of the honours program. Note that in addition to this, you may be required to attend seminars given by members of your research group.


There is some useful information on the Latex course web page of the Graduate Information Literacy Program. See also The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX.

Thesis template files

The following 10 files are a simple example thesis based on the anuthesis style, which may be used for the honours thesis. They should all be saved as files to your computer, and then edited to include your content. Make sure they have the same file names as given below. Although this is not a required style, it seems to work well.

Niraj Lal has provided the following files to help you get started with the Bibtex bibliography system.