HDR milestones

All HDR students are required to submit regular reporting milestones.

Milestone Timeframe What is required How to complete this milestone in ISIS Review panel
Research Integrity Training3 months from the start of programAn online examhttps://services.anu.edu.au/training/research-integrity-trainingN/A
First annual plan3 months from the start of programA written report submitted via eforms.Candidate-Supervisor Agreement (PDF, 308kB) is completed as part of this milestone.

The annual plan report should include background/literature review, aims and a plan for the first year. Any results that may have been achieved should be included. The annual plan document does not need to be lengthy, up to 5-6 pages maximum.

In ISIS - Research Reports. Candidate-Supervisor Agreement is part of the milestone eform.N/A
Thesis proposal review and confirmation of candidature12 months from the start of programAs part of this milestone, the candidate submits a confirmation document (up to 15 pages) that provides a detailed review of the thesis proposal, including
  • literature review
  • information on methodology
  • summary of the achievements to date
  • proposed plan for the 12 months ahead
  • proposed plan for the entire PhD/MPhil project

As well as the written submission, this milestone has an oral presentation component where students will be asked to present a seminar, followed by questions (15 minutes).

Refer to TPR guidelines (DOCX, 19kB) for more details.

  • After the TPR seminar students Initiate the Annual Report 1 eform in ISIS – Research Reports and attach a copy of their final TPR document as a supporting document.
  • Chair of Panel, Head of School and Delegated Authority will have the opportunity to comment on the student’s progress and the TPR and upload any additional documentation into this eform. This first progress report milestone will cover both the progress report and thesis proposal review.
  • TPR milestone in ISIS does not need to be initiated. The status of the TPR milestone will be updated to “completed” in ISIS after the seminar once the TPR /Confirmation of Candidature has been successfully passed.
  • the supervisory panel
  • Head of Department or
  • one of the HDR Convenors

This seminar is not advertised within the School. HDR Admin team hdr.physics@anu.edu.au will assist with the seminar arrangements.

Second-year review2 years from the start of program

The second-year review includes:

A written progress report by the student.

The report should include an introduction into the topic, progress up to date including any publications/publication plans, and a plan for the next year. The report should be discussed with the supervisor(s). Please refer to the written report guidelines (PDF, 64kB).

A seminar.

This should present the background of the project, the progress of the student's research work and indicate remaining tasks. The seminar is arranged by the Department and advertised within RSPhys. The seminar is open to RSPhys community. Students should contact their Departmental Administrator for assistance with advertising the seminar to the School community. The seminar (student talk) should be 30-40 minutes, followed by questions.

An interview with the supervisory panel.

The panel should meet as soon as possible after the seminar. It should consider the seminar and hold discussions with the student, which may cover the following:

  • the seminar
  • aim and objectives of the project
  • adequacy of supervisory arrangements
  • overall quality of student's performance
  • appropriateness of plans for future work on remaining tasks
  • prospective timing for completion
  • any outstanding coursework requirements, if applicable
  • the student’s professional development, including career prospects.

Supervisory panel's report.

The supervisory panel should prepare a written report on the student's seminar and a commentary on proposed future directions. This report can be written directly into the comments section of the milestone eform or uploaded into the eform as a separate document.

Students who commenced before 2021:

  1. The student initiates the both the Annual Report 2 and Mid-Term Review (MTR) milestone in ISIS. The written progress report needs to be uploaded into the Annual Report 2 eform and the seminar presentation is uploaded into the MTR eform.
  2. The Chair of Panel actions both the second progress report and MTR eforms. The supervisory panel’s report on the student’s seminar is uploaded into MTR milestone e-form as supporting documentation.

Students who commenced from 2021:

  1. The student initiates the Annual Report 2 in ISIS, uploads the written progress report and a copy of the seminar presentation into the eform as supporting documents and submits to the Chair of Panel.
  2. Chair of Panel completes the relevant sections of the Annual Report and uploads the supervisory panel’s report on the seminar as a supporting document, or writes the report on the student’s seminar directly in the eform, if space allows.
  • At least two members of the of the supervisory panel (ideally all).
  • The Head of Department or their representative.
  • An external panel member – someone outside the research group; or someone from another department in RSPhys; or one of the HDR Convenors; or someone from outside the School.

This seminar is advertised within the School. Your Departmental Administrator will assist with advertising the seminar. Please provide at least a 2-week notice to advertise the seminar. Please send the following information to the departmental administrator:

  • Date of the FOP seminar
  • Title and abstract
  • If the seminar will be held on Zoom, please create a Zoom link and send to the administrator
Third year report3 years from the start of program

A written report on the progress to date submitted by the student via eforms. Please refer to the written report guidelines (PDF, 64kB).

It is a good time for candidates to identify whether the thesis is going to be submitted by standard format or by published works (by compilation). The current College of Science Thesis by Compilation guidelines recommend that a 12-month notice is given if thesis is to be submitted by compilation.

In ISIS - Research Reports N/A
Final oral presentation3.5 years from the start of programA presentation/seminar with the supervisory panel and external assessors. FOP provides an opportunity for the panel to decide (or confirm) that there has been sufficient research and results to form the basis of a PhD or MPhil thesis. The FOP takes the form of a research seminar presenting results to the school community, for open discussion. The panel then meets afterwards to discuss final details and any challenging questions raised by the audience. FOP must be completed prior to the thesis submission as the thesis will not be sent out to the examiners unless FOP has been finalised.In ISIS - Research Reports. A copy of the presentation should be uploaded as a supporting document.
  • The supervisory panel
  • Head of Department or representative
  • An external panel member– someone outside the research group; or someone from another department in RSPhys; or one of the HDR Convenors; or someone from outside the School.

This seminar is advertised within the School. Your Departmental Administrator will assist with advertising the seminar. Please provide at least a 2-week notice to advertise the seminar. Please send the following information to the departmental administrator:

  • Date of the FOP seminar
  • Title and abstract
  • If the seminar will be held on Zoom, please create a Zoom link and send to the administrator

Completion of all of the above milestones is compulsory.

Progress milestones are scheduled for each year of enrolment including the period of program extensions.


Other resources

Resposible officer

Postgraduate Research enquiries - hdr.physics@anu.edu.au