HDR milestones

HDR students enrolled in the Research School of Physics must complete regular progress milestones in accordance with the Candidature procedure.

Progress milestones are scheduled for each year of enrolment, including any program extensions.

Milestones are compulsory and must be completed on time.

They provide an opportunity for the supervisory panel to check how a student is progressing, for the student to reflect on the work they have completed, and to assess if any additional support may be required or adjustments made to the project to enable a successful and timely completion.

*Please note that these guidelines will be updated once more information on Confirmation of Candidature milestone becomes available.

Milestone Timeframe What is required How to complete this milestone in ISIS Review panel
Research Integrity Training3 months from the start of programCompletion of the RIT modules in Wattlehttps://services.anu.edu.au/training/research-integrity-training(in Wattle and not in ISIS)N/A
First annual plan3 months from the start of programA written report submitted via eforms. Candidate-Supervisor Agreement (PDF, 308kB) is completed as part of this milestone.

The annual plan report should include background/literature review, aims and a plan for the first year. Any results that may have been achieved should be included. The annual plan document does not need to be lengthy, up to 5-6 pages maximum.

In ISIS - Research Reports. Candidate-Supervisor Agreement is part of the milestone eform.Supervisory panel.

Note: Confirmation of candidature review panel must be constituted at 3 months into candidature at the time of the First Annual Plan. More information on Confirmation of Candidature is below.

Confirmation of candidature9-12 months from the start of program
  1. Chair of Confirmation Review Panel (CRP) will arrange an informal meeting with the candidate 1 month prior to the Confirmation of Candidature due date.
  2. The candidate submits a written document – thesis proposal (up to 15 pages) that provides a detailed review of the thesis proposal, including
    • a literature review,
    • the proposed methodology,
    • a description of how the proposed research will make an original contribution to the field of study,
    • a timeline and project plan that demonstrates the research can be completed within the Program length,
    • accessibility requirements if desired by the candidate,
    • an assessment of the skills the candidate needs to develop to complete the research.
    This document is emailed to all CRP members 10 working days before the oral presentation.
  3. As well as the written submission, this milestone has an oral presentation component – Thesis Proposal presentation. The candidate needs to present a seminar (20-25 minutes), followed by questions (10 minutes).

    This will be followed by

    • a discussion with the candidate without the supervisory panel;
    • a discussion with the supervisory panel without the candidate.
    • the outcome discussion with the candidate and Confirmation Review Panel

In ISIS - Research Reports. The thesis proposal document should be uploaded into the eform.
  • Chair of Confirmation Review Panel
  • All supervisors
  • Head of Department or representative

The seminar can be open to all members of the discipline area. HDR Admin team hdr.physics@anu.edu.au will assist with the seminar arrangements.

First annual report12 months from the start of program A report on the progress to date submitted by the student via eforms. Minimal reporting as Confirmation of Candidature milestone takes precedence. In ISIS - Research Reports. Supervisory panel.
Second-year review2 years from the start of program

The second-year review includes:

  1. A written progress report by the student.

    The report should include an introduction into the topic, progress up to date including any publications/publication plans, and a plan for the next year. The report should be discussed with the supervisor(s). Please refer to the written report guidelines (PDF, 64kB).

  2. An oral presentation.

    The oral presentation should meet the following criteria:

    • The talk is a minimum of 10 minutes
    • The talk is open to people outside the research group
    • There is an opportunity for questions following the talk.

    For example:

    • A departmental seminar
    • A School-wide seminar
    • A talk at a conference
    • A talk at a student conference

    It cannot be:

    A group meeting or a closed Zoom meeting not open to outsiders. Exceptions may be made in special circumstances such as to protect commercial-in-confidence material.

    Supervisors should meet soon after the talk to discuss the progress and any future directions, and to provide feedback to the candidate. The Chair of the supervisory panel should provide comments on the candidate’s progress and the oral presentation in the relevant section of the progress report eform.

  • The student initiates the Annual Report 2 in ISIS, uploads the written progress report and a copy of the oral presentation into the eform as supporting documents and submits to the Chair of Panel.
  • Chair of Panel completes the relevant sections of the Annual Report eform.
Supervisory panel.
Third annual report3 years from the start of program

A written report on the progress to date submitted by the student via eforms. Please refer to the written report guidelines (PDF, 64kB).

It is a good time for candidates to identify whether the thesis is going to be submitted by standard format or by published works (by compilation). The current RSPhys Thesis by Compilation guidelines recommend that a 12-month notice is given if thesis is to be submitted by compilation.

In ISIS - Research Reports. Supervisory panel
Final oral presentation3.5 years from the start of program

A presentation/seminar with the supervisory panel and external assessors. FOP provides an opportunity for the panel to decide (or confirm) that there has been sufficient research and results to form the basis of a PhD or MPhil thesis. The FOP takes the form of a research seminar presenting results to the school community, for open discussion. The panel then meets afterwards to discuss final details and any challenging questions raised by the audience. FOP must be completed prior to the thesis submission as the thesis will not be sent out to the examiners unless FOP has been finalised.

Final Oral Presentation should meet the following criteria:

  • The talk is a minimum of 10 minutes
  • The talk is open to people outside the research group
  • There is an opportunity for questions following the talk.

For example:

  • A departmental seminar
  • A School-wide seminar
  • A talk at a conference*
  • A talk at a student conference*

* in these cases a minimum talk length of 10 minutes is acceptable. If the FOP is given at a conference, at least one supervisor should be present at the talk.

It cannot be:

A group meeting or a closed Zoom meeting not open to outsiders. Exceptions may be made in special circumstances such as to protect commercial in confidence

In ISIS - Research Reports. A copy of the presentation should be uploaded as a supporting document.
  • The supervisory panel
  • Head of Department or representative
  • An external panel member– someone outside the research group; or someone from another department in RSPhys; or one of the HDR Convenors; or someone from outside the School.

This seminar is advertised within the School. Your Departmental Administrator will assist with advertising the seminar. Please provide at least a 2-week notice to advertise the seminar. Please send the following information to the departmental administrator:

  • Date of the FOP seminar
  • Title and abstract
  • If the seminar will be held on Zoom, please create a Zoom link and send to the administrator

Completion of all of the above milestones is compulsory.

Progress milestones are scheduled for each year of enrolment including the period of program extensions.


Other resources

Resposible officer

Postgraduate Research enquiries - hdr.physics@anu.edu.au