Research data management for natural scientists

ANDS, NCI, ANU Library

This workshop is aimed at the ANU Academic, Professional and Post graduate community members working in natural science diciplines who want to learn about how to (better) manage research data and what resources are available to do so.

About the workshop

In this workshop we intend to build a basic understanding of

  1. Best research data management practises for the natural sciences,

  2. Drivers and trends in the national and open research domain

  3. Available support services and infrastructures at ANU and NCI 

We will also provide the opportunity to question representatives from ANU library, ANU IT (Data Commons), NCI and ANDS during a ~30 min QA session.

More information

Date & time

Thu 4 May 2017, 1–3pm



Seminar Room 4.14


Members of RSPE welcome

