Courses for HDR Students

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue43 28 October–1 November 2019

Dear students

We would like to encourage you to attend the workshops offered by Dr Shari Walsh – see details below. 

These sessions have been funded by the Dean HDR to support candidate development with working with others, their supervisors and maintain mental good health.

Dr Shari Walsh is an experienced psychologist and career development practitioner who utilises a holistic approach when working with clients. Shari is highly skilled in individual counselling, couples counselling, group workshops and seminars, and project work. Shari has a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and a PhD in Psychology from the Queensland University of Technology. She has worked as a psychology teacher, tutor, researcher, mentor, counsellor and career development practitioner.


6 November, 9.30am – 12.30 pm Thinking Resiliently as a Researcher

6 November, 1.30pm – 4.30 pm Maintaining the research balance

7 November, 9.30am – 12.30 pm The emotionally intelligent researcher

7 November, 2.00pm – 4.30 pm Managing Research Relationships


Best wishes,


Liudmila Mangos

Senior Student Administrator (Team Leader)

Research School of Physics