The Invisible Universe - Astronomy in the Pub - 22 January 2019

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue2 14–18 January 2019

The Invisible Universe - Astronomy in the Pub

Join us to explore some mind-blowing physics, with talks, songs, games and beer to bring out your inner nerd. 

Students from around the country are in Canberra learning about the dark universe - black holes, dark matter, neutrinos, and gravitational waves - and this is your chance to get a taste of what they are learning.

When: 6.30 PM Tuesday 22 January 2019

Where: ANU PopUp Village

Cost: Free thanks to Australian Institute of Physics & Physics ANU, but please register to ensure a seat.

More info can be found on the facebook page.

There’ll be presentations from researchers from around the globe, as well as ANU Mt Stromlo (RSAA), and Physics School. The MC is Dr Phil Dooley from Phil Up On Science, he'll keep the night moving and guide you through the big words, equations and scary dark concepts. Students and lecturers from the Summer School will be mingling if you want to ask those niggling science questions that have been bugging you over the Christmas break.

Join science lovers from all over the country for a light-hearted look at some heavy physics, over some relaxing beverages – all welcome, and it’s free thanks to the Australian Institute of Physics!

Badri Younes (NASA) is responsible for NASA’s space communications policy, and among other things oversees NASA’s Deep Space Network. NASA has a deep space network?! Is it faster than the NBN?

Hannah Middleton (Melbourne University) studies pulsars - technically not exactly invisible, but very cool nonetheless.

Ed Simpson (Nuclear Physics, ANU) likes talking radioactivity with customs officials, but it doesn’t always go so well.

Roland Crocker (Mt Stromlo, ANU) will explain the link between dark matter and the cosmic rays that hit out atmosphere with colossal energy.

Since it’s International Year of the Periodic Table, Phil Dooley (Phil Up On Science) is going to give the elements song an update.

Greg Lane (Nuclear Physics, ANU) is bringing some radioactive sources and will try to use gamma rays to turn into the Incredible Hulk. Be there, just in case it works.

Paul Lasky (Monash) and Rob Ward (Physics ANU) were part of the team that discovered gravitational waves caused by two black holes colliding: Can they recreate this event, in which two invisible things gave out more energy than the rest of the galaxy?

Lindsey Bignell (Nuclear Physics, ANU) has a plan to work out if he is actually living in a universe of antimatter. Never know, could be a useful trick one day.