The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 46 no 20 | 24–28 May 2021


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back after a pleasant weekend and to National Reconciliation Week, commencing this Thursday. Please keep an eye open for announcements from the VC on the ANU Reconciliation Action Plan.

Many will have seen a wonderful ABC report featuring several leading Australian researchers, including Professor Mahananda Dasgupta (NP). The article contrasts experiences in different countries of women pursuing STEM careers, with some important commentary on the Australian context. If you did not see the report it is well worth a read. 

Over the next few weeks you will see several events about translating our clever research into vibrant commercial opportunities. Firstly, I remind you of the School Seminar on Thursday by Dr Marcus Doherty who will paint a sweeping landscape of how fundamental research paves a path to commercial and agency engagement. Also, the two seminars by Baraja Founder, Cibby Pulikkaseril (See details EH19/20). Further on this theme, this week’s pic flags an important event in a month’s time. Professor Daniel Shaddock (CGA, CEO of Liquid Instruments) will launch a radical new test and measurement instrument in their product range. I will be encouraging everyone to join in this international gala event and celebrate another timely illustration of how Physics transforms society and creates national capability.

I am very pleased to announce there will be a public screening of “Picture a Scientist”, hosted by the Women in Physics group and followed by a panel discussion on 10th June from 1200-1400 in the Huxley Theatre. Further details will circulate over the next week.

Finally, please review the important test and tag notice below.  

Have a great week,


Test & Tag

Electrical Testing & Tagging has commenced in all workshops across the school this week, with RCD testing to commence in the upcoming weeks. An email will be sent prior to any testing taking place in an area, once exact dates are known.

If you require any additional information please contact the Infrastructure Team.


ABC Top 5 Science Residency

In partnership with the Australian National Centre for Public Awareness of Science at ANU, the ABC provides a media residency to discover Australia's next generation of dynamic science thinkers and give them a voice. The scheme aims to equip emerging Science scholars with media and communication skills — to share their ideas and specialist knowledge more widely, through expert commentary, analysis, and programs.

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ARC College of Experts Nominations Open

Members of the ARC College of Experts play a critical role in the funding allocation process; however, membership also requires a significant commitment of time. Members of the ARC College of Experts are appointed for one year with annual extensions (subject to performance review) for a maximum appointment period of three years.  Successful nominees must be available to commence in November 2021, to assign and assess proposals for funding, as well as be available for one or two selection meetings held in Canberra each year.

Please contact as soon as possible with your intent to apply.

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Benefitting from Diversity -- How Should We Understand this Goal? - 28 May 2021

How is diversity supposed to contribute to excellence and how, conversely, do demands for excellence constrain diversity? This discussion raises some questions about the function of ‘business-case’ arguments for improving diversity as a means to improving academic excellence. Presented by Fiona Jenkins.

Time and location: 1-2pm in 46.S205 Eucalyptus Seminar Room, Research School of Biology


Interested in Starting or Continuing Your Research Career in Germany?

Join the “Research in Germany”- Online Talk Series and chat with experts about PhD and PostDoc opportunities in Germany

7-10 June 2021 at 2pm (CEST)

For more information and to register, 'read more'.

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Nonlinear Optics Uncovers Topological Cavities

The team from Nonlinear Physics Center and Laser Physics Center with collaborators observed directly higher-order topological states of light via a nonlinear imaging technique. Control of light at the nanoscale empowered by topology will facilitate on-chip integration of classical and quantum photonic devices. 

The paper has been published in Nano Letters



Anastasia Zalogina for being awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship.

SPIE awarded $298,000 in optics and photonics education scholarships to 78 outstanding SPIE Student Members, based on their potential contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline.


2021 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global Research Opportunity: Global-X Challenge

The 2021 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global Research Opportunity: Global-X Challenge is an annual funding opportunity from the DoD specifically targeted to non-U.S. researchers. In other words, the lead PI must be from a non-U.S. organisation. Last year, two of the four awards were made to Australian-led teams: the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Western Sydney University.

Awards are up to $500K for an initial 9 month project addressing defined challenges in Persistent Polar Perception, High Latitude High Bandwidth Communications, and Alternate Navigation at High Latitude.

White Paper Submission Date – 28 May 2021 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Notification of White Paper Valuation – Expected 11 June 2021
Full Proposal Submission – 9 July 2021 23:59 EDT
Grant Award – Expected 24 September 2021

Please notify the Research Office of your intent to apply as soon as possible.


Andrew Thomas Space Foundation

The Andrew Thomas Space Foundation supports space education and outreach in Australia and to inspire young people to pursue careers in space by building a culture of entrepreneurship and igniting a curiosity for space and related scientific activities.

Last month the first ATSF Education Found  launched including five programs which support scholarships and awards/prizes.

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Australia-US International Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (AUSMURI) 2021

AUSMURI operates in conjunction with the United States Department of Defense’s Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI). It encourages partnerships between Australian and US-based institutions. If an Australian university is part of a successful submission to the US MURI for a research project on the designated topic, it can then apply for AUSMURI funding for that project. The AUSMURI program will provide 100% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of AUD$1 million per year over 3 years. Projects may be extended for a further 2 years, subject to approval, with additional funding of AUD$1 million per year.

The designated topic for AUSMURI Round 5 is: Bio-architected Responsive Materials with 3D Nanoscale Order (Topic 9)

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Oliphant Tea Room

The Oliphant tea room is open with tea bags & black coffee* only.

Please remember to bring your own cup & spoon.

*coffee grounds for garden use are available


Need to Schedule a Meeting with the Director?

For ANU Outlook users
Open a new invite for, and use Scheduling Assistant to propose a mutually convenient time and send.  

For all others
Please send an email request to 

Tim will reply to any meeting requests ASAP


Building and Room Security Access

Please note that the school now has a general access restriction of 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.  

If you need to complete a new after-hours risk assessment, please see the new top section here:




Departmental seminars

Mr Cibby Pulikkaseril - 26 May
The Road to Infinite Resolution with Baraja Spectrum-Scan
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Professor Tracy Slatyer - 28 May
Dark Matter Puzzles from Indirect Searches
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Mr Shankar Dutt - 2 June
Versatile solid-state nanopore membranes: fabrication, characterization, and application.
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School Seminar Program - 27 May

Quantum microscopy of elementary charges in ambient conditions, An introduction to Quantum Brilliance Pty Ltd & The Army Quantum Technology Roadmap: opportunities for ANU - Dr Marcus Doherty

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Know your administrator...

Julie Arnold - EME & NLPC

Petra Rickman - NP/HIAF & ARC CDM

Belinda Barbour - DQS

Nikki Azzopardi - AM, CPF, LPC & TP


Know your School team...

Sue Berkeley -
Finance Team Leader

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Hannah Phan - Purchasing/Finance Services 

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services


Kitchen Etiquette

Can all RSPhys staff/students please be aware of the following kitchen hygiene/etiquette that we must follow to maintain a clean and healthy working environment at RSPhys. 

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UA-DAAD Joint Research Cooperation Scheme 2022 - Unavailable

A reminder to all that ANU will not participate in this year’s UA-DAAD Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme (2021 for funding in 2022). Please do not draft applications for this scheme.


Registration and Abstract submission is now open for the 14th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (Amaldi14).

If you have any questions please email


Check In CBR App

All RSPhys meeting rooms and teaching spaces now have a QR Code located at their entrance. It is encouraged that everyone at RSPhys use the Check In CBR app when using these rooms, as this will enable the 1 person per 2m2 rule, and follow ACT Health guidelines for improved contact tracing.

It is mandatory for all RSPhys visitors to use the Check In CBR App to 'check in'. An additional check in point is located at RSPhys reception. If you require a QR code for your area, please contact

1.5m physical distance must still be followed in all scenarios


The University is committed to supporting our staff to maintain their health and wellbeing during the upcoming influenza season and for this reason is ensuring that FREE flu vaccinations for staff are available again this year.

The University has two options for receiving the flu vaccination – either on campus at the National Health Co-Op or off-campus by accessing a voucher code to be used at a Terry White Chemist in Canberra.

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From Previous Weeks...

Australian Academy of Science Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientist Award

Indirect Costs of Research - Academic Drop-In Sessions

Culture and Inclusion Officers – Call for Expression of Interest

Student Participation in the Australian Institute of Physics


Physics @ ANU



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