The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 45 no 30 | 27–31 July 2020


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back!!  It is exciting to have a full complement in the School again.  For those who are only just returning please observe the COVID protocols and signage as we are still on alert.  The Work Environment Group (WEG) will be carrying out spot checks to ensure we are compliant with the social distancing and hygiene guidelines.  If you are still working remotely please confirm your change of working arrangements with your supervisor and School WHS.  You will need my sign off to vary your working week on a continuing basis.  I am happy if this is a transitional week for you, but please speak with your supervisor.  By the way, the MakerSpace team have put together a great video introduction which encapsulates much of the School protocol, as well as access the space over this next phase.

It is with great pleasure that I announce Professor Jodie Bradby as the next Head of Electronic Materials Engineering.  My thanks go to the applicants, who demonstrated care and vision in their excellent submissions.  I am very grateful to Associate Professor Patrick Kluth for his time as Head, who will now step into the role of Associate Director (HDR) from August 1st.

The new teaching term is upon us and I take this opportunity to thank all those engaging with this essential program.  We still have need for help in some of our courses, such as 1st Year, so please contact Professor Joe Hope or Ms Siobhán Ryman for details.

Lastly, I draw your attention to the launch of an independent report commissioned by the Australia and New Zealand Optical Society on the Photonics Sector in both countries (top right).  This is a field our School has been involved with since the inception and it is impressive to see it grow to an annual production of $5B across 500 companies.

Have a great week back, and play safely.



Congratulations Elizaveta

Congratulations to Elizaveta Melik-Gaykazyan (NLPC) on being awarded Third Place in the Best Student Paper: 2020 Advanced Photonics Congress.

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Carver Seminar Series - Save the Date Nominations are being called for the John Carver Seminar Series 2020. This is the annual RSPhys competition that enables our research students to showcase their research to their peers. The Seminar Series is scheduled to be held on Thursday 24 September 2020.

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The ACGR Graduate Research Impact Blog is open for submissions - We are calling on anyone with an interest in graduate research to submit a contribution to the ACGRs new blog.

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Visualise Your Thesis Submissions are now open - Visualise Your Thesis is a competition that challenges graduate researchers to present their research in a 60 second, eye-catching digital display.

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Australian Quantum Technology Forum - CSIRO reccently launched a quantum road map for Australia.  RSPhys researchers who work in the related areas are encouraged to sign up to the mailing list, to both keep an eye on what is going on and to contribute to developments.

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ARC Notice of Intent - The College of Science Research Office (CRO) is inviting notices of intent (NoI) to submit applications more for details.

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ARC Linkage Projects Workshop - Simon Stack of the College of Engineering and Computer Science Engagement Team will be introducing the basics of the Linkage scheme...

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RMS Publication Entry – All Schemes – Updated Date - Join Cat Karcher from the Research Funding & Development Office as she presents tips for streamlining data entry....

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From Last Week

Don't forget to renew your parking parking has expired. See transport and Parking.




Webinar 28 July 2020

The Future Is Bright! - The Australian and New Zealand Optical Society is hosting a webinar, launching the latest report highlighting the multi-billion dollar photonics industry sector. RSPhys is the home of more than three companies in the sector and is cooperating with other industries through Centres of Excellence, CRC-P, Linkage and other programs. We are proud to be a partner in this Bright Future.

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Virtual Event - 30 July

Thursday 30 July @ 1:00pm
Best Practice Guidelines from Australian experiences. The launch will feature a short film, followed by a Q&A session with Indigenous co-authors and partners.

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Dept Seminar

31 July
Mr Jean-Baptiste Gorce
Dynamic of spinners in fluids
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Online seminar series

This is a first announcement of an online seminar series on applications of computational topology and geometry aimed at the Asia-Pacific time zone.  Talks will span both theoretical developments as well as interesting application areas.

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Physics in the Cloud

Friday 21st August - Yes we've uploaded physicists from across NSW and they'll be talking, rapping, singing about their research. From tiny magnets that fight disease up to the full meaning of the cosmos, they'll talk about everything.

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WHS Message

All staff and students are reminded that any electrical items being brought onto campus from home are not damaged, and must be tagged and tested by authorised staff before use.

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A message from the E&D committee:  This week, Jobs Australia Report, Adventures Abroad in Science, Physics in the Cloud and Queers in Science. 

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