The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 97 | 26–30 November 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations to Professor Hoe Tan (EME), who just has been elected as Fellow of the IEEE.  He is one of only two at RSPE to receive this prestigious award.  Well done, Hoe.

Dr Ed Simpson (NP) and Dr Vini Gautam (EME/JCSMR/RSE) are two of the four ANU scientists awarded Tall Poppy Awards last week. The Tall Poppy Campaign was created in 1998 by the Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) to recognise and celebrate Australian intellectual and scientific excellence and to encourage younger Australians to follow in the footsteps of our outstanding achievers.  Excellent news, well done Vini and Ed.

This week’s image was taken at the VC Awards last week and shows Andrea Butler amongst her team awarded the Clare Burton award for Excellence in Equity and Diversity for their leadership in supporting breastfeeding mothers at ANU.  Dr Mohsen Rahmani was also honoured, receiving the award for early career academics. Please join me and congratulate Andrea and Mohsen for their achievements.

Again, my congratulations go to those gaining promotion this year;

Level B-C promotion - John Debs and Marcus Doherty

Level C-D promotion - Jong Chow and Cormac Corr

Level D-E promotion - Lan Fu, Greg Lane, Cédric Simenel and Ilya Shadrivov 

Finally, on the topic of travel insurance, the ANU will insure those travelling for less than 60% of an ANU trip provided the trip is approved before departure and the personal portion of the trip is not to a high-risk destination.  If in doubt, please confirm with the insurance office.

Have a good week,



On 22 November 2018, seven eminent scientists (including Jagadish) and scientific institutions received the UNESCO Medals for contributions to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies during a ceremony held at UNESCO headquarters, Paris. The medal is awarded each year by the Director-General of UNESCO to prominent scientists, public figures and organizations that contributed to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the spirit of UNESCO’s priorities.

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Observing Exoplanets with a Ground-Based Telescope and Orbiting Starshade

Dr John Mather
Senior Astrophysicist and Goddard Fellow, NASA
Thur 29 Nov 2018 11am–12pm
Commonwealth Solar Observatory (old main building), Mount Stromlo

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Notice of Intent (NoI) to Apply for ARC and NHMRC schemes – Major Grant Rounds

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Important travel information

I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of important things to consider before you travel, including exemptions from insurance, premium economy travel and avoiding credit card fraud.

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ANU Rocketry Recruitment

The ANU Rocketry team is looking to recruit around three members for the simulations and design team.

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Engagement and Impact – A panel discussion

The next ARMS event is on engagement and impact with a great panel to lead this discussion - Friday 30 November. 

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Finance Cut-offs

As Christmas holiday is approaching, we would like to bring your attention to 2018 cut-off dates for regular financial processing as below.

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Science in the Pub

Science in the Pub turns the spotlight on computing in December - the call for presenters is now open. Computer scientists, supercomputer users from all disciplines, AI bots… Students to profs, all welcome to share the latest amazing developments in a friendly and chilled environment.

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Equity and Diversity

There is an established association between female Ph.D. students’ graduation rates and their cohorts’ gender ratios, which indicates that female Ph.D. students in male-dominated cohorts face a number of challenges.

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NU OSA-SPIE student chapter outreach team

On 19/11, the ANU OSA-SPIE student chapter outreach team went to Nowra High school and organized presentations and hands-on experiments on the physical aspects of light, such as geometrical optics, colors, diffraction, and polarisation etc. The presentations reached students in year groups 7, 10 and 11, where we aimed at encouraging them to be passionate in science and more specifically optics. 

The above photo, taken in front of Nowra high, showing our volunteers, from left to right: Anha Bhat (EME), Matthew Parry(NLPC), Shridhar Manjunath(NLPC), Khosro Zangeneh Kamali(NLPC), Kai Wang (NLPC) and Jingshi Yan(NLPC). This trip is financially supported by SPIE Education Outreach Grant that we obtained earlier this year (was announced in Event Horizon before).




RSPE School Forum - 28 Nov 10:00-11:30


Departmental Seminars

29 Nov
Dr Howard Hanley
Maxwell’s Demon: a real experiment
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29 Nov
Dr Arunava Mukherjee
Neutron stars in the era of gravitational wave astronomy
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3 Dec
Dr Julien Lumeau
Technology of complex thin-film optical filters
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4 Dec
Professor David Z. Ting
III-V semiconductor unipolar barrier infrared detectors
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6 Dec
Dr Sejeong Kim
Engineering light-matter interaction for quantum emitters
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Director's Office
Tim Senden will be away on field work during the summer. The acting Director will be as follows:

30 Nov – 18 Jan : Ken Baldwin
21 - 25 Jan : Cedric Simenel
28 Jan - 1 Feb : Lan Fu


Building Update

Two weeks ahead

Air monitoring


Lost Level

The new Mazak CNC Mill will be installed in the coming weeks and to properly commission the machine we need the Precision Level that was kept in the RSPE mechanical workshop. Unfortunately we are unable to find this. If you know the location of this piece of equipment can you please return it to the mechanical workshop by 30th November.


Oliphant Private Room

Please be aware that this room has been set aside to support Physics ANU staff and students who may need privacy during working hours. 

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RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


RSPE Contacts

Admin Team

Jaeger Hub

Jaeger HR Team


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin 

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan

RSPE Building Updates



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