The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 42 no 45 | 21–25 November 2016


Public Lecture - 21 November

Public Lecture jointly presented by RSPE, AAS 2016 Selby Fellowship, IEEE Nanotechnology Council (ACT) - What type of Energy for the future of humanity - Professor Federico Rosei

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Congratulations - James Tichnener

James Titchener (NLPC) on winning the NSW Australian Institute of Physics postgraduate awards competition. James received first prize for the best presentation among physics PhD students across NSW and ACT universities.

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Update on the culture survey - 23 November

Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. It has given us valuable insight and will be used to set the agenda for equity and access efforts in the School. 

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Staff Awards & Scholarships

2017 Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education

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Lean Startup Workshops

Policy training workshop: Unearthing policies and delegations


Funding Opportunities

ARC Important Dates and Messages

2017 Major Equipment Grants Scheme (MEC)

Academic and student funding opportunities.

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Equity and Access

Busting myths about women in STEM

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Energy Change Institute

Energy Change Institute Open Day 2016

Energy Update 2016


Social Media Training

Promoting your research and career in the Digital Age: Social media 101

Social media is changing the way we communicate at a speed that can seem overwhelming....

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Departmental seminars

Mr George Bowden - 24 November
Damping of Alfvén eigenmodes in complicated tokamak and stellarator geometries
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Dr Judy Hart - 30 November
Design of novel photocatalysts from first principles: Band gap tunability of semiconductor solid solutions and multi-layered structures
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Associate Professor Igor Aharonovich - 30 November
Quantum Emitters in Flatland
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Staff movements

Nuclear Physics (NP)
Prof Andrew Stuchbery will be on leave 14 November - 12 December 2016. Dr Anton Wallner will be acting HOD during this period.


ARC and NHMRC Peer Review Process

Seminar - 1 December, 10am-12noon

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School of Art, Graduating Exhibition 2016

Friday 25 November – Sunday 4 December 2016

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Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Consultation

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WEG - Training Newsletter

Printing a completion Certificate in PULSE
Changing your view in PULSE


2016-17 NSW/ACT Young Achiever Awards!

Nominations are now open for the 2016-17 NSW/ACT Young Achiever Awards!

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