The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 48 no 47 | 27 November–1 December 2023


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Another great week for achievements and awards.

Firstly, it is my great pleasure to congratulate the successful 2023 promotion applicants.

Level B
- Maria del Rocio Camacho Morales (EME)
- Kirill Koshelev (NPLC/FTP)
- Paul Sibley (QST)

Level C
- Lindsey Bignell (NPAA)
- Kaitlin Cook (NPAA)
- Eliezer Estrecho (QST)
- Glenn Myers (MP)

Level D
- Nicolas Francois (MP)
- Bram Slagmolen (CGA) 

The Ketowhistle team pictured above, Prof Lan Fu (Head EME), Dr Buddini Karawdeniya (EME), PhD student Shiyu Wei (EME) and Prof Chris Nolan (ANU Medical School) attended the ACADI (Australian Centre for Accelerating Diabetes Innovations) Health Tech Innovation Challenge and won a $30k seed grant to further develop the device. Buddini is to be congratulated for delivering the impressive pitch that cemented the prize (above). The team would like to acknowledge the brilliant and ongoing technical development of this device from our Electronics Unit, namely Dennis Gibson, Michael Blacksell and Steven Marshall, and the tremendous support from the Commercialisation team, namely Viraj Agnihotri and Kiara Bechta-Metti. The entire team were greatly heartened by overwhelmingly encouraging responses from the diabetes patients, researchers and endocrinologists at the Challenge.

Electronic Materials Engineering (EME) celebrated 35 years this year (see below). Congratulations to all members over this time. Current Head, Prof Lan Fu recounted her time and why she is so proud of the Department. Founding Head of Department and past Director, Prof Jim Williams reflected on the many characters that have contributed so richly over 35 years. It was great to see so many faces from the past three decades still associated with EME. More photos from the EME 35th anniversary can be found here.

I am pleased to call for nominations for the 2023 Director’s Awards to be presented at a special morning tea on 14th December, 1030 (foyer of new building).  

The Director’s Awards recognise outstanding service in our School by a team and individual staff members. All members of the RSPhys community are eligible, including our colleagues from the Honorary Faculty, local College administration or in Central service divisions who have contributed to the School.

This year, there will be three categories for recognition of service to the School:
- individual staff member ($100 gift card)
- a team award within Physics ($200 gift card), and
- an award for teams outside Physics who have contributed to the School ($200 gift card)

Nominations should include a citation of no more than 200 words. A diverse School committee will be selected to judge the nominations, which should be sent to James Irwin, the School Manager by Friday 8th December.

Finally, the Industry Growth Program has just opened up and I can recommend taking a quick look. Awards range from $50k to $5M of matched funding for early-to mid-stage commercial projects (see below).

Have a good week, and see you at the ANZCOP-AIP meeting next week.




Industry Engagement for HDR Candidates – Research Internships and Industry PhDs

Dr Ulrike Proske

Date: Thursday 30th November 2023
Time: 2pm
Location: Conference Room (4.03), bldg. 160

For supervisors this event can be used as qualifying training for your supervisor registration

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How to Pitch an EOI - Webinar

The ARC is holding a webinar on Wednesday 29 November, 1:00pm – 2:00pm (AEDT), in preparation for the 2-step DP25 round entitled How to Pitch an EOI.

Discovery Project 2025 Applications will include an initial EOI, due for submission in late February, which will require information about Investigator/s and a 2-page Project Description. This webinar will focus on the 2-page Project Description and include tips and insights into how applicants can prepare a compelling EOI. The event will include panellists experienced in pitching and assessing EOIs.

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KOALA - ANU Physics Industry Night 2023

If you want to expand your career horizons or are interested in the intersect between academia and industry then this event is for you!

KOALA Conference 2023, in partnership with the ANU Research School of Physics, will host an industry networking event for STEM research students and early career researchers at the ANU.

Invited are a range of local and national industry representatives and conference sponsors interested in connecting with STEM researchers. The event will feature short one minute pitches from invited industry guests followed by a casual networking session with food and non-alcoholic drinks provided. 

For catering and to allocate name-badges bookings are essential!

When: 29/11/23 6pm – 7:45pm
Where: Research School of Physics Foyer, Bld 160

Please register your attendance


Defence Export Controls General and Technical Information Seminar

Date: 8th December 2023
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Location: CSIT Bldg, N101 seminar room or via Zoom

The Defence Export Controls Office will be attending ANU next week to deliver an extended information session for ANU researchers and staff. The session is two hours and will consists of a one hour general introductory presentation followed by a session about technical DEC assessments.  

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AMSI Summer School

Join other honours and postgraduate students, early career researchers and industry professionals in Canberra from 8 January - 2 February for the 22nd AMSI Summer School, hosted by the Australian National University (virtual participation also available). 

Connect with peers, researchers and potential future employers while developing your maths, stats and data science skills. 

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Industry Growth Progam

The Industry Growth Program is now open, with startups and innovative small and medium businesses able to apply for expert advice on their commercialisation and growth projects. The Industry Growth Program enables eligible SMEs to receive advice from industry experts, with a particular focus on the early stages when businesses often have difficulty turning innovative ideas into profitable products, processes and services.

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Research Fest - Dec 1

Celebrating the creativity and innovation of HDR researchers

Research Fest is a day to think and play in a creative environment, try new ideas and connect with your fellow HDR travellers.

Date: Friday 1st December
Time: 9:00am — 3:00pm

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New Reimbursement Process

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Staff Movements

Cedric Simenel will be away 20/11/23 - 31/1/24
Yuri Kivshar will be Acting HoD in this period

Lan Fu will be away
17/11/23 - 9/12/23
Andrey Sukhorukov will be Acting HoD in this period


CoS I.D.E.A. Website

Browse I.D.E.A.'s knowledge repository here.


College Hot Desking In Physics

Finance, HR & RM Teams
Thursday Mornings
Lv2 Tearoom, Bldg 160




Departmental seminars

Professor Andrew Kingston - 29 November
Classical ghost imaging with x-rays and neutrons
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Mr Lachlan Oberg - 1 December
Atom-scale fabrication of diamond quantum devices
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Save the Date - 15 December

Vice-Chancellor's End of Year Garden Party

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Know your administrators...

Julie Arnold, Nikki Azzopardi, Belinda Barbour, James Campbell & Petra Rickman

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Know your School team...

Joseph Hong -
Stores/Purchasing Team Leader

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services

Purchasing - RSPhys Intranet
Stores - RSPhys Intranet


Know your student admin...

Liudmila (Luda) Mangos -
Higher Degree Research admin
C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Thurs 9:30-5pm)

Siobhan Ryman -
Physics Education Centre admin and HDR
1.05, Bldg 38A (Tues 8.30-4pm) ; C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Mon,Thurs-Fri 8.30-4pm)


Know your school team...

Phil Dooley -
Manager, Marketing and Communications (part time)
0414 945 577


Know your Graduate Convenor team...

Prof Vince Craig -
Associate Director HDR

A/Prof Vanessa Robins -
Graduate Convenor

A/Prof Vladimir Mangazeev -
Graduate Convenor

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Know your Student Reps...

Elizaveta Melik-Gaykazyan, Logan Davis, Yosri Ben Aicha, Victoria Bashu, Aditya Babu


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New 'Partnership Engagement and Commercialisation' Website

The ANU has launched a new website that can assit anyone seeking information and support on IP issues, ANU Impact Funds or creating new partnerships.

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ASCA Website

For those interested in defence related research, the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator (ASCA) website has gone live

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ANZCOP-AIP Summer Meeting 2023

The ANZCOP-AIP Summer Meeting 2023 will take place at the Research School of Physics, ANU on December 3-8, 2023. 

The meeting showcases the work of Australia and New Zealand’s physics and photonics community. 

For further information please the website, or contact


What To Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

If you test positive to COVID-19, please:

1. Inform your supervisor or course convenor. 

2. Alert the University through this online form.

3. It is no longer required to report positive RAT tests to ACT Health, however it is strongly encouraged to do so, using this online form.

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WHS SharePoint

WHS SharePoint


Physics @ ANU



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