The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 47 no 41 | 17–21 October 2022


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I’m excited for Founder’s Day on Friday, the first since 2019, and f-i-n-a-l-l-y in the new auditorium. The program can be found here, and the Zoom link (password: 998515) for those who wish to tune in remotely. The Level 4 Seminar Room in the New Building will be streaming the event in case there is overflow from the Auditorium.

Just to hand, I can highly recommend a talk by A/Prof  Jacquiline Romero (UQ) titled, “Hiding Ignorance and Finding Knowledge: Adventures Using the Shape of Light” on Wednesday 11-12pm in the Finkel Lecture Theatre, next to the Vanilla Bean. Jacqi is down here to help Hans Bachor and Tim Ralph celebrate the new edition of their “A guide to experiments in quantum optics” in the afternoon. Come meet the authors at 4pm on Wednesday and enjoy the canapés on the Level 4 terrace.

An exciting opportunity for the quantum minded among us. The Australian Army are sponsoring a high-tech hackathon to imagine next generation quantum applications: Quantum Next Generation Radar Challenge 2022 | Australian Army Research Centre (AARC).  Dr Marcus Doherty (QST) is behind this event and will presenting a 30 min introduction to the challenge on Wednesday (Zoom link, password: 933300). Did I mention there is $50k to be won?

Below, a picture I was lucky enough to snap when the Hon. Kim Carr, long running advocate for science received the Australian Academy of Science Medal last Thursday from the President, Dist/Prof Jagadish. Kim’s appearances in Senate Estimates Committee should be compulsory viewing for anyone who thinks being a public servant is easy. He is only the second politician in the history of the Academy to receive this honour, which only highlights the enormous beneficial impact he has had on Australian science and society.

Have a good week,



Help Us Understand Our School Staff Demographics

RSPhys is running a 60 second survey to better understand our school staffing demographics. The information you provide will be used to develop diversity and inclusion strategies and to report on the success of initiatives over time. Your responses will help RSPhys develop an equitable hiring strategy that will address barriers to employment for underrepresented groups. The survey is for staff only including full time, part time and casual appointments, professional and academic. It is not for students or emeritus and honorary appointments.

The survey is live right now and will remain open until Friday, 20 October. It is anonymous and only takes 1 minute to complete.

Access the anonymous survey here


Psychosocial Risk Management Chapter Consultation

The Draft Chapter for our WHS Management System Handbook on Psychological Safety is open for consultation until 7 November.

There are two Q&A sessions:

All documentation and resources can be found on the ANU website here.


'The Origin of the Elements' - MSI Public Lecture

Thursday 20 October, 5.30-6.30pm
Professor Chris Tout, from the University of Cambridge

Stars are the source of all elements heavier than and including carbon. To understand which stars yield which elements and when we must first understand the structure and evolution of stars. Much of this understanding grew over the course of the twentieth century led by increasingly better and systematic observation and subsequently by growing computational power.

Register here

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WHS Hazard Alert

The University has released a Hazard alert regarding faulty electrical equipment in use in the University.

Please read this notice and familiarise yourself with the university requirements around equipment that has been tagged as faulty or unsafe.

The Hazard Alert can be found here.


2022 College of Science Awards for Service

2022 College of Science Awards for Service are now open for nominations of both academic and professional staff. Further information on the awards is available on the College Intranet.


Australia India Research Students Fellowship Program

The Australia India Institute is delivering the Australia India Research Students Fellowship Program. Funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Education, it will support emerging researchers from India and Australia to undertake short-term research exchanges. Seventy fellowships will be awarded, with 35 awards available to research students and early-career researchers from higher education institutions in each country. 

AIRS Fellows will undertake a research project during an exchange of 4 to 8 weeks, to be completed by mid-October 2023. Awards of between $6,200 and $7,600 are available to Australian participants, depending on the length of stay in India. Applications are now open via the Australian Researcher Cooperation Hub-India, a digital platform developed by the Institute, and will close on 13 November.

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The 27th Canberra International Physics Summer School (CIPSS) on “Fields and Particles” will be hosted by the Research School of Physics at the Australian National University in Canberra over the two weeks of January 9-20th, 2023.

Registration is open and free, and will close 28th October.

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CPAS Science Communication PhD Workshop: Open for Registrations for CoS/CHM PhD Candidates

The Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) is hosting its annual 2-day Science Communication workshop for PhD candidates from SHM schools.

We are calling for registrations from SHM PhD candidates for this workshop, to be held on 22 and 23 November 2022 from 9am to 5pm each day in STB 2, Science Teaching Building #136.

To express your interest in attending the workshop, please email Places are currently limited to 50 participants.

Please note that workshop attendance is kindly sponsored by the Deputy Dean Science Education. No fee will be incurred unless the PhD candidate does not attend on the day without offering an explanation.

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College Hot Desking In Physics

Mornings - HR Team
Afternoons - Finance Team

Mornings - RM Team

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Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR)

On Thursday 29 September 2022, the University gave notice that it is commencing bargaining in relation to a new enterprise agreement.

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2022 Wall Planners

2022 wall planners are available now at the Oliphant Reception.


ANU Costing and Pricing Approvals Tool

Reminder to all ANU Costing and Pricing Approvals tool (CPA) users to update your Department within the tool to ensure the CPA approvals process goes smoothly next time you apply for or receive funding.

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When completing the ANU reimbursement form, there are a couple of things to note...

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Departmental seminars

Dr Qingbo Sun - 18 October
Discovering new materials under high pressure extreme conditions
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Director's Colloquium - 20 October

Proton Radius - Professor Toshimi Suda

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Founder' Day 2022 - 21 October

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Women* in Physics 2022 Gala 

Friday 18th November 2022
11:30am – 5pm, Birch Building #35 Science Road

Registration closes October 18th

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Know your administrators...

L-R: Belinda Barbour, Sonia Padrun, Petra Rickman, Nikki Azzopardi, & Julie Arnold

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Know your School team...

Uyen Nguyen -
Finance Team Leader

Sue Berkeley -
Stores/Purchasing Team Leader

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services


Know your student admin...

Liudmila (Luda) Mangos -
Higher Degree Research admin
C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Thurs 9:30-5pm)

Siobhan Ryman -
Physics Education Centre admin and HDR
1.05, Bldg 38A (Tues 8.30-4pm) ; C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Mon,Thurs-Fri 8.30-4pm)


ANU Community Connect

ANU Community Connect provides a safe and welcoming space for all ANU students. We offer no-cost essential items through our food pantry, Share the Dignity vending machine, access to our friendly and knowledgeable team to support students build connections, navigate university services and actively engage with programs and events to improve student experience at ANU.

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Making Dark Matter Come to Light - High School Student Art Competition 

Entry is open to students in Years 7, 8 and 9, or Years 10, 11 and 12, with prizes awarded in each category.

Applicants can use what they’ve learnt from the Dark Matter website and any other resources to produce a unique and original artwork to represent their interpretation of a Dark Matter particle.

The competition closes on Dark Matter Day (31st October 2022). 

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What To Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

If you test positive to COVID-19, please:

1. Register your positive result with ACT Health using this online form, or with the state/territory health authority where you are located.

2. Alert the University through this online form.

3. Inform your supervisor or course convenor.

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From Previous Weeks...

Mandatory Training Courses for School Induction and Building Access - All Persons


Physics @ ANU


End of Year Purchasing Schedule

Please note the end of year purchasing schedule – for an easy and smooth book keeping for 2022. 

Sept-Oct........Purchase of goods 

November.....Delivery and the invoicing of goods

December........Payment of goods

All goods purchased on Purchase Cards also need to be paid in November to be reconciled in December. 

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