The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 47 no 36 | 12–16 September 2022


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Last week saw a series of joyful events, all sharing in the successes of our broader community partners across Physics. It was a week revolving around our valued partnerships, starting with Quantum Brilliance (QB) and RSPhys jointly hosting National R U OK day. My many thanks to Careen Redman Matthews (QB) and Sonia Padrun who jointly master-minded the event. Above, Marcus Doherty (QB/QST) and Jayden Castillo (QB) can be seen here sizzling several hundred sausages. Everyone I spoke to agreed the grated cheese was a very up-market addition to the humble sausage sanger. Thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause, raising $638 in donations.   

The middle image shows Alyssa Weirman, Director of Australian Science Innovations (ASI) acknowledging the outstanding efforts of the Curious Minds mentorship program for school-aged girls interested in STEM careers. Regrettably, Minister Clare was unable to attend as planned and Aly took the opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing support of Government for this program. ASI has been a part of our School for a very long time through programs like the Science Olympiads (since the late ‘80s). The success and scale of their outreach has grown enormously and I’m truly pleased to be able to host them in Physics. A wonderful photo on ASI’s LinkedIn page shows many of the major Australian STEM program contributors seen celebrating together with ASI in our auditorium. This beautiful venue is rapidly becoming the great meeting place we had designed it to be.

Friday night ended with a tribute to another longstanding partner of the School, Hindmarsh Constructions. The ACT Master Builders annual awards evening honoured Hindmarsh with their highest award, Project of the Year for ANU Physics. It has truly been a great pleasure to work with the Hindmarsh team on this sophisticated project. Congratulations to all those who contributed to this project, from consultation to construction it is an award that recognises technical collaboration at scale. 

On reflection, it was a very notable week for highlighting some of the great diversity and value in our local partnerships.  

Have a great week,


Founder's Day Art Display

The Admin Team is looking for volunteers to help coordinate the Founder's Day Art Display!

If you would like to volunteer for this year's Founder's Day, please contact the Admin Team with your interest.


University Mask Mandate

The University has a Mask Mandate in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 at ANU. This mandate applies to all teaching spaces and work areas.

Masks must still be worn whenever you are inside of university buildings unless one of the follow exemptions apply

  • An individual holds a medical exemption,
  • You are alone in a workspace, or you are sitting/standing at your desk, and you are 1.5 metres away from any other person,
  • When teaching; if required to ensure good communication and you are comfortable doing so. You must remain at the front of the class at least 1.5 metres away from others,
  • When communicating with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing where visibility of the mouth is essential for communication,
  • When consuming food, drink, or medicine,
  • When undertaking vigorous exercise,
  • In an emergency

If you are not in a situation where you meet the exemption you must be wearing your mask when in university buildings.

More information about the University Mask Mandate and the University response to COVID-19 as be found here.


Many thanks to staff and students who have dusted the selves, crawled under desks, lifted heavy items to find hidden tags, and used detective skills to help the Asset Management Team sight 875 assets in Physics North and South over the past few weeks.

In the coming weeks, we will follow up with staff regarding the missing assets that weren’t identified during the sighting period. And hopefully, that will leave us another 2 years to recover until next stocktake time.


Synthetic Biology Initiative (SBI) at ANU

Make a difference, Discuss over lunch
Date: A Working Lunch on Tuesday 13 September 22
Time: 12pm
Location: ANU Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT) conference room (Gould Building-Building 116, Daley Road) 

ANU is looking to launch a Synthetic Biology Initiative and formalize a network of interested research groups that builds on what we are already doing and allows us to create more external visibility in the area.

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Noise Cancelling Glasses for Quantum Sensors

A simple piece of carefully chosen glass could be the key to cancelling out noise in extremely precise quantum sensors.

Dr Jiayi Qin, from ANU Quantum Optics Group, said this simple solution to photothermal noise – disruptions to experiments due to heat from lasers – could benefit many other industries and experiments that use compact systems or high-powered lasers, such as gravitational waves detectors and photonics

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Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM Scholars Award

Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM Scholars Award (J&J WiSTEM2D) is expected to open early September.

Scholars are awarded the amount of $150,000 paid in three instalments of U.S. $50,000 per year for three years.

To apply you must be a  woman working in the field(s) of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Manufacturing and Design. You must be an early to mid-career woman working within a STEM2D university department at the time of application.

For further information about the scheme please visit the website.

This scheme has a cap on the number of applications to be submitted from an institution. If you intent to apply please contact the research office immediately.


2022 Innovation Forum

The 2022 Innovation Forum brings together forward thinking collaborative innovation advocates to discuss, plan, collaborate and innovate.

Date: Wed 28 Sep 2022
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm AEST
Location: Canberra Innovation Network, Level 5, 1 Moore Street

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As You See It! - Voting Now Open!

Voting for the As You See It! Photography Campaign is now live!

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Canberra Innovation ACT Competition

Got an idea that could potentially change the world? Want to explore what entrepreneurship is all about? Form a team, develop a highly impactful, scalable business concept over 2 weeks and pitch for your share of the $10000 grant pool and in-kind support from our ecosystem.

Innovation ACT Intensive is a program for ANU students that provides skills, tools and networks to those who are looking to begin their entrepreneurial journey. Over two weeks in September, teams will learn how to test and evolve ideas with support of mentors, build a sustainable business model and develop a pitch to deliver to a panel of judges for funds and more support. 

Register here:

Participation will earn CDS points towards completion of the College of Science, Health & Medicine Career Development Framework.




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Returning to Campus

Updated Process and Mask Protocols

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College Hot Desking In Physics

Mornings - HR Team
Afternoons - Finance Team

Mornings - RM Team

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2022 Wall Planners

2022 wall planners are available now at the Oliphant Reception.




Departmental seminars

Professor Margaret Reid - 15 September
What’s wrong (and right) with these elements of reality?
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John Carver Seminar Series - 26 September

Physics Auditorium

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Know your administrators...

L-R: Belinda Barbour, Sonia Padrun, Petra Rickman, Nikki Azzopardi, & Julie Arnold

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Know your School team...

Uyen Nguyen -
Finance Team Leader

Sue Berkeley -
Stores/Purchasing Team Leader

Goran Radovanovic -
Stores Services  

Patrick Romero - Stores/Purchasing Services


Know your student admin...

Liudmila (Luda) Mangos -
Higher Degree Research admin
C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Thurs 9:30-5pm)

Siobhan Ryman -
Physics Education Centre admin and HDR
1.05, Bldg 38A (Tues 8.30-4pm) ; C3.02C, Cockcroft bldg (Mon,Thurs-Fri 8.30-4pm)


HDR Update

Development & Training

13 | Translating your research skills for non-academic employers (RSPH)
13 | Word for academic writing: Maintaining consistency in your thesis
14 | NVivo Intermediate
15 | Writing in company

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Statistical Support for HDR students

A reminder to researchers across the University that the services of the Statistical Support Network are available to Masters and PhD students for their research projects. Statistical support is available for design of experiments and surveys, data management, exploratory data analysis, statistical modelling and data presentation.

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Let Canberra's Pride Be Scholarship: The Queen and ANU

The opening of the RG Menzies Building on 13 March 1963 was part of Queen Elizabeth II's Royal Tour and telecast live on Australian television, including speeches by the Queen, then Prime Minister and namesake of the library Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, and ANU Chancellor Sir John Cockcroft.

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ANU Community Connect

ANU Community Connect provides a safe and welcoming space for all ANU students. We offer no-cost essential items through our food pantry, Share the Dignity vending machine, access to our friendly and knowledgeable team to support students build connections, navigate university services and actively engage with programs and events to improve student experience at ANU.

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29 January - 2 February 2023

Registration and abstract submission are due to open very soon, and details of pre- and post- conference workshops will be announced within a couple of weeks.

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What To Do If You Test Positive For COVID-19

If you test positive to COVID-19, please:

1. Register your positive result with ACT Health using this online form, or with the state/territory health authority where you are located.

2. Alert the University through this online form.

3. Apply for personal leave.

4. Isolate for at least seven days after the day you test positive.


From Previous Weeks...

COVID-19 Extension Scholarship

Mandatory Training Courses for School Induction and Building Access - All Persons


Physics @ ANU



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