The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 46 no 18 | 10–14 May 2021


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back, I hope you had a pleasant weekend.

In our School we enjoy and promote civic-mindedness, and so I am pleased to announce a new initiative from the Equity and Diversity Committee. The call for Culture and Inclusion Officers is another way for our School community to support staff and students, and will enhance and feed into all the existing avenues of support. Please take a moment to read the expression of interest below.

Last week I had enormous fun helping out in the 1st year PHYS1101 labs, at the same time greatly expanding my knowledge of Zener diodes! The photo above shows one of the afternoon sessions, each student with their own equipment and socially distanced. On behalf of all the grateful demonstrators I would like to thank Dr Mika Kohonen, PEC technical officer, for managing such a well-run and well-furnished lab.  

Just to keep you in the loop, the School Executive met last Wednesday to discuss the proposal for the names of the five new departments. Each of the incoming Heads represented their proposal with a set of names easily agreed upon and sent to the Dean for review. There is a process to follow, ending in the Vice-Chancellor’s consideration. At any stage the names may need revision, at which point I will work with you and the School Executive to progress this important process.

I still have a few places left for the building tour tomorrow at 2:30 when we host the National Association for Women in Construction. Please let me know today.

Have a great week,


Culture and Inclusion Officers – Call for Expression of Interest

Call Requirements and Nomination Process 
Culture and Inclusion Officers are going to be visible members of our School that volunteer their knowledge and skills to further Physics as an inclusive and welcoming environment for all people. These officers will be available to all Physics staff and students for guidance regarding any personal or structural concerns. 

You will be a go-to person when members of our community are struggling to navigate where to go, what to do, who to speak to… 

We are looking for academic staff, researchers, technicians, administrators, HDRs and undergraduates! 

If this role interests you, we would like to consider you as one our Cultural and Inclusion Officers. For more details about the role please 'read more'

Please contact Mary Gray ( or James Sullivan ( if you are interested in volunteering for the role of CIO. 

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Andrew Thomas Space Foundation

The Andrew Thomas Space Foundation supports space education and outreach in Australia and to inspire young people to pursue careers in space by building a culture of entrepreneurship and igniting a curiosity for space and related scientific activities.

Last month the first ATSF Education Found  launched including five programs which support scholarships and awards/prizes.

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ACEMS Panel Discussion on “The Road Ahead for Women in STEM” 

Wednesday, 12 May, 12pm-1pm AEST

The aim of the discussion is to be forward-looking and to explore how we can get more women in higher-level positions in universities, as well as more women in STEM and, specifically, the mathematical sciences. The panellists will examine why this is so important and look at the benefits of having more diversity in these different areas.

For more information, and to register, please 'read more'.

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Australia-US International Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (AUSMURI) 2021

AUSMURI operates in conjunction with the United States Department of Defense’s Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI). It encourages partnerships between Australian and US-based institutions. If an Australian university is part of a successful submission to the US MURI for a research project on the designated topic, it can then apply for AUSMURI funding for that project. The AUSMURI program will provide 100% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of AUD$1 million per year over 3 years. Projects may be extended for a further 2 years, subject to approval, with additional funding of AUD$1 million per year.

The designated topic for AUSMURI Round 5 is: Bio-architected Responsive Materials with 3D Nanoscale Order (Topic 9)

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Oliphant Tea Room

The Oliphant tea room is open with tea bags & black coffee* only.

Please remember to bring your own cup & spoon.

*coffee grounds for garden use are available


Offshore PhD Candidates Support for Exemption to Travel to Australia

There has been an increased number of enquiries from offshore PhD candidates requesting support to apply for an exemption to travel to Australia to continue their research. Please see further information below regarding the process at ANU.

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Building and Room Security Access

Please note that the school now has a general access restriction of 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.  

If you need to complete a new after-hours risk assessment, please see the new top section here:




Departmental seminars

Ms Huyen Pham - 11 May
Structural and chemical characterisation of multi-cation mixed-halide perovskite
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Professor Cedric Simenel - 13 May
Shell effects in fission and quasifission
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School Seminar Program - 27 May

Quantum microscopy of elementary charges in ambient conditions, An introduction to Quantum Brilliance Pty Ltd & The Army Quantum Technology Roadmap: opportunities for ANU - Dr Marcus Doherty

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Know your administrator...

Julie Arnold - EME & NLPC

Petra Rickman - NP/HIAF & ARC CDM

Belinda Barbour - DQS

Nikki Azzopardi - AM, CPF, LPC & TP


Registration and Abstract submission is now open for the 14th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (Amaldi14).

If you have any questions please email


Free Flu Vaccinations

The University is committed to supporting our staff to maintain their health and wellbeing during the upcoming influenza season and for this reason is ensuring that FREE flu vaccinations for staff are available again this year.

The University has two options for receiving the flu vaccination – either on campus at the National Health Co-Op or off-campus by accessing a voucher code to be used at a Terry White Chemist in Canberra.

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From Previous Weeks...

Australian Academy of Science Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientist Award

Indirect Costs of Research - Academic Drop-In Sessions


Physics @ ANU



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