The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 43 | 28 October–1 November 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

My thanks to all the presenters on Friday.  I think the new 7 min format worked tremendously well to showcase the outstanding work in our School, and the audience was the largest I seen at Founder’s Day.  I reckon Sir Mark and all the founding members would been heartened to see what the School has become 70 years on.  Thank you to everyone who worked to make the day a very memorable one and congratulations to all award winners. I look forward to having our 72nd event in the new Springbank Auditorium.

On Friday I may have jumped the gun a little on announcing Prof Dragomir Neshev’s election as Fellow to the Optical Society of America, but it’s now official!  Well done, Dragomir, and very well deserved.

Danny Cocks (a Beer Club organiser) and Karen Nulty (HDR Admin) collected all the bottles for recycling to donate the refund to Batyr. This charity gives voice to the elephant in the room by smashing the stigma around mental health and creating positive behavioural change for young Australians now and in the future. Danny and Karen collected over 200 bottles and I am pleased to multiply the refunded amount by an order of magnitude.  This is a very worthy cause and we will have another fundraiser for it in the near future.

All the best to all those students undertaking their final assessment for the year.

Have a good week,




The Science Educators' Association hosted the awards ceremony for the ACT Science and Engineering Fair at the CSIRO Discovery Centre last Friday. Second place in the Physical Sciences category went to Rachel Maruskanic for her project "Radioactivity in Common Materials in Suburban Canberra" performed in Nuclear Physics with Greg Lane as her science mentor. 

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Courses for HDR Students

6 Nov - Thinking resiliently as a researcher

6 Nov - Maintaining the research balance

7 Nov - The emotionally intelligent researcher

7 Nov - Managing research relationships

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6 and 13 November - Writing workshops for Physics HDR students on: Writing up results with logic, clarity and style, Editing your work and Individual writing advice

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Notice of Intent (NoI) Form for ARC and NHMRC Schemes (including DP21, DECRA21, LIEF21, LP20, IN21)

The College Research Office (CRO) is now inviting Notices of Intent (NoI) to submit applications for ARC and NHMRC schemes. Please fill in this short form by 22 November 2019 if you are considering applying through ANU or another institution (‘externally-led’). Candidates who put an NoI in will be provided detailed timelines for each of the schemes separately.

For queries, please contact your College Research Office.


2020 Visions in Microscopy Early Bird Nov 2019 

Alumni Scholarships in Physics closes 29 Nov 2019

CSIRO Alumni 2020 Scholarship in Physics closes 29 Nov 2019

SmartSat CRC Higher Degree Research Scholarships now open


R&D opportunity with Japanese optical manufacturer

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ARC Laureate and Future Fellowships - Schemes Open

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Funding Opportunities from Research Professional Website

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Industry Engagement Bootcamp (Repeat session). Wed 27th Nov, 9am-4:30pm @ Common Room, University House, ANU.

Achieve better and faster collaboration with industry with this full day, intensive workshop. To join the waitlist for this session, please complete the short EOI-  link below.

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JCoS Public Lecture

28 October
5.30 - 6.30
A/Prof Ian Cockburn
Vaccines to eradicate malaria: Impossible, Improbable or Immminet
The Finkel Lecture Theatre

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RSAA Colloquia

31 October​

Dr Peter J Riggs​
Time Dilation and Rates of Flow of Time​
Duffield Lecture Theatre

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Director's Colloquium

5 November
Prof Wisemann
CAN A QUBIT BE YOUR FRIEND? Why a philosopher would want to have a quantum computer

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Nuclear Reactions - Workshop

Monday, 4 November
Physics Seminar Room

This workshop proposes to gather experts of the Sub-atomic Physics community to explore nuclear reactions and their applications, from astrophysics to medicine. 

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Patrick Kluth is away 24/10-1/11.  Jodie Bradby is Acting HOD.


Christmas Shut Down

The University will be closed for business....

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HR Drop-in Sessions

HR does a drop-in session from 10am-11am in the Oliphant Fishbowl, for anyone who needs advice or guidance on any HR related matters. 

Wednesday 13/11/2019
Wednesday 11/12/2019


Department Meetings

There are no department meetings scheduled.

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Physics South Orientation
Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.



JCS Strategic Priorities Plan

CoS Academic Performance Standards

CV Guidelines


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


Keep Informed

ANU Events

ANU Reporter

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

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