The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 44 no 11 | 18–22 March 2019


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Please join me in congratulating Professor Jagadish on being recognised for his global citizenship with the recent President's Global Leadership Award from the University of South Florida.

As I flagged a few weeks back, the School Review will be made public with an all-star cast including our VC, Provost, DVC(R) and Dean on 1st April at 1:45pm in the main tearoom, Physics South. This will become an important document leading us to a School-wide retreat in the middle of this year, and beyond.

An important reminder to ARC grant holders that they must follow their agreed budget.  There is little chance for variation and if you require assistance please speak with our CoS Research Office and Finance teams.

The School Seminar Series recommences this week with Dr Lindsey Bignell (Nuclear Physics) - see right.

Finally, an important notice about a new position opening up in the School that may appeal to those wishing to use their knowledge of physics to connect our research teams in industry and agency partnerships.  The 3 year position will be joint with the Strategic Projects and Partnerships team in the PVC(Innovation)’s portfolio, details below.

Have a good week and best of luck to the LIEF applicants.



Distinguished Lecture

Professor Donald Fortescue
Thur, 28th March @ 12:30, Finkel Theatre, JCSMR
Fieldwork in Art and Astrophysics - Discerning Signal from Noise at the South Pole

This event is jointly hosted by RSPE and the School of Art and Design.

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Looking for a career that brings your broad understanding of physics to government agencies and industry partners?  Your training could place you in the valued position of connecting our research teams with Australian and international non-academic and commercial partners who want to develop connections with the ANU. 

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Equity and Diversity

American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics has initiated a program to combat bias and prevent harassment. Personal stories shared by the members and collected by the APS DNP serve to educate APS members on how we can create a more welcoming climate for all scientists.

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Fellowship Opportunity

Women in Clean Energy, International Energy Agency. An exciting opportunity is being offered to the next generation of aspiring women leaders to work at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris for six months.

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Australian Academy of Science Award nominations now open

2020 Australian Academy of Science Awards are now open and you are invited to nominate. Applications close 1 May 2019.

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JCoS Career Development Framework

Here is an opportunity for HDR students to develop and get recognition for transferable skills, discipline-specific training, industry connections and experiences to be managed.

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School Seminar

21 March
Dr Lindsey Bignell
SABRE and the Search for Dark Matter

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Departmental seminars

Ms Shao Qi Lim - 19 March
Hyperdoping Si with deep level impurities for infrared optoelectronics
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Further details about School Seminars or Events can be found on the RSPE Intranet and School News and Events Page.


Building Update

Infrastructure Upgrade Program

Two weeks ahead

Two day program


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2019 ANU LGBTI Ally Training Schedule

ANU workshops are available in May, June and August 2019 as part of the University's commitment to providing a diverse and inclusive campus where all people can safely work and study free of harassment or discrimination. For registration and further information see ANU Ally Network and LGBTI inclusion.


RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

HR Team - Jaeger

Jaeger Hub Contacts

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan



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