The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 43 no 73 | 11–15 June 2018


Director's Message

Dear Colleagues,

Wonderful news from Dr Erica Seccombe, resident artist in Applied Maths/CTLab/VizLab(NCI) and lecturer at the School of Art & Design. Erica has won the Open Session of the Australia’s most prestigious natural science art award, the biennial South Australian Museum Waterhouse Prize for her video, Metamorphosis. The judging panel unanimously agreed that Erica “…profoundly captured the spirit of the prize with a work that took as its foundation the ordinarily unseen intersection between science and art. Metamorphosis represents a deep collaboration between scientific and aesthetic enquiry, with the tools of one being instrumental to the realisation of the other. (”. The exhibition will travel to Canberra later this year.

Happy Birthday and our best wishes to Professor Bob Crompton on turning 92 last Saturday.

This year, academics applying for Level A to B promotion will be part of a new School-based advocacy process in support of their applications.  Details will be finalised shortly and will be published in the next Event Horizon.

This week’s pic was taken during last week’s VIP visit by two Labour members of Parliament, Ms Meryl Swanson, Member for Paterson, NSW (seen left) and Ms Madeleine King, Member for Brand, WA (seen right). Dr Mohsen Rahmani (NLPC, pictured centre) met the MPs at Science Meets Parliament earlier this year and invited them for a tour of our School. Our VC welcomed the MPs ahead of a very enjoyable 2 hour tour.

Last Friday, after 62 years of contribution to our School, Dr Lindsay Tassie was laid to rest at St Paul’s in Manuka.  Professor Brian Robson delivered a fitting eulogy (see here) to a large congregation, incorporating family and friends, as well as bringing together colleagues from 4 Research Schools over 6 decades.

Have a splendid (short) week,



The Australian Academy of Science is pleased to announce the launch of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scientist Travelling Research Award

The award recognises research by PhD students and early- and mid-career scientists. It aims to support the expansion and growth of their research networks and international knowledge exchange through visits to relevant international centres of research.

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Congratulations to Xiwen Guan from TP  for the recent publication of a paper in Physical Review Letters. This paper was also selected as the Editor's suggestion. Prof. Thierry Giamarchi wrote a Viewpoint on the APS Physics webpage.

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The Academic Promotions Round for 2018 opened 1 June 2018 with an application closing date of Tuesday, 31 July 2018.

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The ACT Scientist of the Year Award seeks to recognise the achievements of an emerging scientist and celebrates excellence in research and innovation in the ACT. Nominations are now open.

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Are you an early- and mid-career researcher working in material science? Are you interested in events in the field of advanced materials that offer valuable engagement opportunities with peers and industry? Applications close soon.

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Linkage Program Funding Agreement 2018-2019 - We are writing to notify you of a significant change in the ARC newly released Funding Agreement for Linkage Program (particularly relevant for Linkage Projects applied for in 2018).

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Science benefits from diversity. Improving the participation of under-represented groups is not just fairer — it could produce better research.

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The ANU, in collaboration with Princeton University, Cornell University, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Greifswald, and others, has won a prestigious Simons Foundation grant “Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy”.

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June School Seminar

21 June 2018
Dr Sergey Kruk
Meta-optics of Mie-resonant dielectric nanoparticles: From unconventional concepts to functional devices
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Departmental Seminars
15 June
Mr David Stevens
“Experiments in the application of positrons to Medical Physics”
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18 June
Mr Samuel Nolan
Interaction-based readouts: How to get the best "bang for your quantum buck"
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Tuesday 19 June 2018
Energy Change Institute

Open Day
The ECI Open Day will showcase the latest energy research from ANU and provides a platform for exchanging ideas for ANU researchers, industry, government agencies and other energy stakeholders.

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CAM is running several workshops over the next few weeks, and there is something available for everyone.

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Life, Alzheimers and Sustainable Energy – Chemistry in the Pub

How did life evolve? What happens when our bodies go wrong and develop disease? How can we design materials to save our future? The answer is Chemistry!

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SAVE THE DATE - 25 July 2018 for RSPE 3 Minute Thesis Competition 2018 and student lunch. 

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Lee Philip will be acting Facilities and Service Manager until 15 June.

Dr Nikolai Lobanov and Prof Andrew Stuchbery will visit the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) Beijing from June 6-12 to discuss the installation of a superconducting linear accelerator at CIAE.   Prof David Hinde will be Acting HoD in this time. 


RSPE Orientation

Every Monday at 10:00am all new starters are invited to meet at reception to have a short tour of the School’s central areas and receive a welcome pack.

Bookings are not required.


In response to concerns raised by campus users, parking inspectors will now be patrolling campus on a twenty-four hours a day, seven day a week basis

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Keep Updated

Building plans and timelines are available via the intranet Infrastructure upgrade program.
Stroll through the foyer or the auditorium
Dont know where you will be sitting? See your HoD or DA.


Keep Informed

ANU Events

(CHM/CoS) Deans' Bulletin

JCS Strategic Priorities Plan



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