The Australian National University

Event Horizon

Research School of Physics


Weekly newsletter | vol 41 no 33 | 14–18 September 2015


ECI Seminar - Managing the growing energy cost of the Internet

Professor Rod Tucker
Tuesday 29 September 2015
Leonard Huxley Theatre, Leonard Huxley Building (#56), Mills Road, ANU, Acton ACT 2601

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Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium: International conference celebrating the achievements of Professor George Dracoulis

The Department of Nuclear Physics will host HIAS 2015, the fourth Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science, 14-18 September 2015. This year’s HIAS meeting has been organized as an international nuclear structure conference in recognition of the contributions of Professor George Dracoulis who passed away June 2014. Approximately fifty international visitors will be attending. On Tuesday afternoon there will be a conference session dedicated to George's scientific achievements, while at the conference dinner George will be remembered as a friend, mentor and colleague.

As a satellite meeting prior to the Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, the Department of Nuclear Physics will also host a Workshop on Electric Monopole Transitions from 11–12 September 2015.


2015 Physics Education Centre Planning Day

Friday 18 September 2015
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Cultural Centre
Lady Denman Drive, Canberra

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Student Funding opportunity

Ben Williams student support grant
Is now available for all undergraduate and post graduate physics students enrolled at the Research School of Physics and Engineering. The fund will provide financial assistance to students who are experiencing health and well-being difficulties that are preventing them from completing their program. Applications are accepted all year round.

Further information and to apply:
T: +612 6125 5195 / +612 6125 1315


Funding Opportunities

ARC Linkage Projects 

Applications for ARC Linkage Projects may open in mid-September and close in mid-November. If you are interested in applying (both ANU-led and externally-led bids) please notify

ANU – COST Travel Grant Scheme
ANU has exclusively partnered with the Australian Academy of Science to deliver support of up to $7,000 for ANU researchers to participate in EU COST Actions. Participation in COST can lead to engagement in major projects and initiatives such as Horizon 2020 and the European Research Council. Further information is available here (ANU login).


2016 ANU Alumni Awards now open

Nomination forms, eligibility and criteria details available here

RSPE nominations contact: Kavitha Robinson

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2015 Directors Awards

Nominations are now open.

The Director’s Awards recognise outstanding service to our School by a team and/or individual staff member. All members of the RSPE community are eligible, as are our colleagues from the local College administration group based in The Huxley Building. The Awards will be presented at this years RSPE Founders Day - Friday 16 October 2015.

Further information is available here or by contacting Tania Maxwell, EA to the Director 

Closing date for nominations is Friday 2 October 2015.

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Electronic Materials Engineering (EME)
Mr Ahmed Alabadla PhD student with Prof Chennupati Jagadish. Ahmed recently completed a Masters in Photonics at ANU and will be working on Surface Passivation of III-V Nanowires
Irene Rigo visiting student from Polytechnic University of Torrino. Irene is joining Jagadish’s group for the next 6 months
Vidur Raj Singh Amity University, India.  Vidur will be working with Sudha Mokkapati on the project ‘Type II solar Cells’ 

Non Linear Physics Centre (NLPC)
Mr Markus Wittl and Mr Stefan Punzet, visiting students from University of Applied Science Regensburg who will be with NLPC for 6 months. 


Staff movements

Directors Office
Prof John Close
will be overseas 7-15 September 2015. Prof Craig Savage will be Acting Deputy Director Education during this period.

Ms Uyen Nguyen will be on leave 9-16 September 2015.  Please contact relevant HoD's during this period.

Laser Physics
Ms Sonia Padrun will be on leave 26 August - 6 October 2015.  For assistance during this period please contact Ms Uyen Nguyen (DA PRL, CPF & AMPL) Ext 52480/52403 or Ms Julie Arnold (DA EME) Ext 50020

Work Health Safety
Mr Anthony Hyde will be on leave 14 August - 18 September 2015.  For urgent matters, please contact
Dr Horst Punzman (Chair, RSPE WHS Committee) 0410 693 011 or Mr Graeme Cornish Ext 53062

School Services
Ms Susie Radovanovic will be on leave 15-25 September 2015.  Ms Jo Ivanic will be assisting reception during this period



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